Chapter 7 : Rip it and kick it out

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Be as you wish to seem.


It's very high.

I narrow my eyes and focus on the window. Feels like Satan is taunting me for my misfortunes.

I sigh and start climbing the pipeline to his window.

After about 15 minutes I am pretty sure I have befriended a few scratches during my climb. I dust my pants to get rid of the leaves and switch the light on.

Everything is messy. His shirts were thrown across the couch and his bed covers expressed his state of mind.

The amazing thing is it's still cozy.

I change into one of his shirts and some shorts and lay comfortably in his bed.

It's like home and everything is just like I had imagined it to be.

They can come home if I commit a mistake but they couldn't come at my birthday.

At this point I have stopped wishing.

My mom is a perfectionist. She just couldn't bear the thought of me being the wild child and destroying her family's reputation.

My dad couldn't care less about what I did. He was just there to show how much he loves his family. But I know he doesn't, even though my mother tries to drag him everywhere he just doesn't love his family, his mistresses are a living proof of that. The only reason he is still with my mother is because of money.

Murderer. They have accused me of being a murderer tonight.


Hmmm....I just don't feel like opening my eyes, I wanna sleep all day. I snuggle closer to the warm comforter.

All day? Shit!

I shot upwards and look around. Archer was curled in the corner of the bed in the verge of falling off.

I stick my feet out and push him a little.


'Ahhhhhh you are the daughter of devil, you little witch' Archer yells rubbing his butt.

'Good morning' I laugh at his distressed state.

'If you think you could get away by doing this then you are wrong princess' He threatens and advances towards me.

I push out of the bed and run towards the door while laughing and tripping.

Yeah, that's how you should start a day.


'These teenage boys sure know how to make a mess' I state after observing his kitchen.

I have changed into a jeans and crop hoodie from Cass. I had called her after I woke up and asked her to bring some clothes as I can't exactly wear Archer's.

'Seriously?! Barbara will be pissed' I add after observing his trashed refrigerator.

Archer walks sleepily towards the cupboard and pulls out the cereal pouring it into the bowl.

Did he not see the mess?!

'Chill, I have maids' he replies while stuffing his face with cereal, the milk dripping off his mouth. Pig! I seem to forget he is a teenage boy too.

'Archer! We are getting late. Go dress up!' He was freaking sitting with only shorts on! Why can't I roam around like that? Oh right! Because I am a girl.

I smirk. If I can't have that freedom then I won't let anyone else have it.

'Go Go Go' I push him off the chair.

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