Chapter 22: Natalie

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"She just goes a little mad sometimes,
We all go a little mad sometimes"


I have always thought that giving life sentence to a crime is the easy way out.
When you die everything just stops, you don't suffer. But when you live unhappily that's when the real punishment starts. You can kill a person hundred times while they live but you can end their pain by murder.

Humans are too stupid to know this.

I take 3 pain killers and adjust my pillow again. I am getting irritated by this now. My broken arm hurts like hell and the wounds around my face are stinging.

I get up and try tying my hair again, it just keeps falling out.

After getting completely disturbed from my incomplete sleep, I decide to get something to eat from the kitchen.

I go down to the kitchen, grab a milkshake and a chocolate bar from the refrigerator and head upstairs.
On my way I pass by Chrissy's room and decide to check on her. I slowly open her door and peek inside. As expected she was sleeping peacefully.

After I got home David told me that they visited Chrissy's school. He even sent me the photos but me being me didn't get to see those.

I can see myself in her. I too laid alone in bed on a cold big palace 10 years before. I wonder if my parents ever checked up on me like this and regretted not spending that day with me.
But I know they have never, I have always waited.

She doesn't deserve this, she deserves someone better than me and I promise I will try my best to be that someone.


The next morning I get up at 6 as usual and get ready for school.
I put on a black knee length dress with red embroidery in the ends. This dress was really hard to get even for someone like me, so you can probably imagine how much expensive it is.
I let my hair loose in soft curls and put on my boots.

The bruises on my face look disgusting. I take out the medicine box and put a bandaid around my forehead. My lips look swollen and red, so I put on some pink chapstick, now it looks like I have injected it with Boxtox. I quickly wipe it off.

I take out the foundation that Cass had gifted me last Christmas and rub it all over my face. She said it works like magic and doesn't make you feel like you have put on make up.

I check myself last time in the mirror and head to the dining table.
Since I already had a smoothie and a chocolate some hours earlier, I don't feel like eating much.
I decide to skip on bacon and have a chocolate bar instead.

Chrissy was sitting at her usual place and David was sitting beside her, both having their breakfast.

They both greet me and I greet them back.

'Yesterday we visited all the top quality schools for Chrissy. I think St. Joseph will be a good school. It has a good campus, clean cafeteria and top quality teachers. And Chrissy seemed to like it a lot. Did you see the pictures I sent you?' David asks.

'Yeah' I actually checked it last night.

'So what do say? Should we get her admitted today? By the way, the guardian is required for admission'

'At what time?' I ask.

'Whenever you say' he smiles.

'Okay, I'll go after school' don't get me wrong, I am not interested in school. Today Cass's cousin is joining as a junior, so Cass said I have to be present.

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