Chapter 13: The Things We Do For Friends

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'Is death the worst punishment in this world?' she asked.

'No, to live an unhappy life forever is the worst' I replied.


Next morning all the phones in my house were ringing like crazy. You can probably guess who was calling but I am not the one to pick up any of their calls, so I ignored.

It was easy for me but Chrissy was having a little problem with the calls.

'Maybe you should pick up' Chrissy suggests innocently.

I keep my bag on the kitchen counter and take out a plate to heat my breakfast 'Maybe I should not' I reply without looking at her.

'But ignoring your parents isn't good' she gets up from the chair and comes near me.

I close the fridge door forcefully and turn towards her 'Listen girl. Do not ever advise me what to do. Stay in your limits' I say in a clam voice making it more scarier.

Tears welds up in her eyes, she sniffs twice and runs up the stairs probably to her room. Kids get upset for the littlest of things. Its so frustrating!!!

I turn around and find her dirty teddy bear from the orphanage perched on the chair where she was previously sitting. Is she still keeping it? Disgusting, these kids outrage me!

I answer my phone which has been ringing for two times already.

'You never pick up' Archer sounded frustrated on the other end.

'Yeah, what did you call me for?' I see Mrs Jane entering with her grocery bag.

'We are outside your house. Do I need to escort the princess out?' He asks with sarcasm.

'Yeah yeah, I am coming' I disconnect the call and glance towards Chrissy's room. She is just a kid, I will deal with her later.

I turn towards Mrs Jane 'Let her call Vin and make sure to put her in bed at 9

'Yes Ma'am'

Taking a last glance towards the torn up teddy bear I head towards Archer's car. Its gonna be a long day today.


After 15 minutes of random conversation which doesn't make sense and a cup of Starbucks, since I didn't get to eat anything, we reach our doom. The school.

'Guys, Jack posted a picture with a girl yesterday. I am so jealous right now. I feel like ripping her hair out!!!' Cass screams in frustration.

'Keep your voice low' I glance towards the crowd of high schoolers fishing for some gossip.

Archer throws a hand over her shoulders and comforts her 'Don' worry cupcake, it can be his sister'

'Yeah that can be the case too' Cass looked deep in thought 'What do you think Isis? '

'I think he has got someone new and you should forget about him' Archer loudly clears his throat at my answer and Cass stares at me with wide eyes.

I shrug 'What? If you don't believe me then you should ask him yourself' It would be the best way or else she will nurse her misunderstanding for years.

'Yeah I should. But I feel a little awkward asking him myself' Cass pouts with a sad face and clutches my hand 'Can you do it for me Isis?'

I free my hand from her clutches 'Why should I do it?! Archer can do it' I point my hands towards him.

Archer hurriedly shakes his head 'I can't ask my team mate about his crush, that doesn't suit me as a captain! And moreover I don't have a good relation with him'

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