Chapter 14: Do We Share The Same DNA?

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Why make things complicated when we could be gone like that?


My day started off with good vibes. Today is the first day of countdown for Ernest Black, so I was pumped up for the first classic attack, the locker. I had already asked Trevor and Cane to stack up his locker with rotten fish. The stench must be a sight to behold.

So I put up my bitchiest outfit which consisted of a white designer top, black pleated skirt, knee high socks and ankle length boots.

Maybe I should add something more?

I throw a black leather jacket over my shoulder, it was hand made from Italy specially ordered for my birthday.

I come down and grab a toast from the kitchen and check my phone for the new notification, I have to be on time for the special event. I look towards Chrissy's room, is she still in bed?

Nonetheless I finish my breakfast and head to the car, I will deal with her later.

I arrive at school and immediately head towards our meeting spot in the parking lot. Archer and Cass were already there waiting for me. I can never muster up the courage to wake up early.

'Here comes the princess' Archer bows mockingly. I just wave my hand in a shooing gesture 'Please refrain from bowing in public. I don't want people to know that I treat my servants poorly. Here take my bag'

Archer narrows his eyes but takes my bag anyway 'You should keep a servant for carrying your school bags or maybe start paying me for this'

'In your dreams'

'Guys we should hurry up the show is about to start' Cass checked her phone. 'Let's do it then...' Archer laughs '...His face will be worth it'

We head towards Ernest's locker and see a large crowd forming in front. The more we get closer we could make out the smell of rotting fish. The students parted for us to enter, some whispered, some recorded and some pointed fingers.

Ernest was standing close to his locker looking shocked by the present event. I take a step forward and address him 'Looks like you wanted to have fish for dinner. Ah what a pity'

He turns around on hearing my voice but just blankly stares not knowing a thing.

Cass further initiates 'Ugh what an ugly smell! I wonder why our school lets people like you in, growing unnecessary garbage' She holds her nose.

I smirk 'I would have expected it from him' I turn around and step out of the crowd heading to my first class.

'This prank never gets old' Archer laughs.


'I won't be attending today's classes. Gotta go' I said while reading the message from my brother. It was just the second period and I already got a reason to bunk classes.

'But why? You said you wanted to go clubbing today' Archer shoves his books in his locker and faces me.

'My brother wants to meet. He said its urgent'

'Yeah so? You never were anyone to listen to him' Cass applied another coat of lipstick through the locker mirror.

''s really urgent this time. Cancel the club plans for me, you two go enjoy' I hug them and say goodbye.

Now I have to travel 3 hours to reach my brothers penthouse. I normally ignore his messages and won't waste my energy to head to his stupid penthouse, but this time he messaged me about Chrissy and I can't really ignore that.

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