Character Sketch

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Here's a little character sketch so that you can come back and read whenever you forget...

I added little secrets so that it's fun to read.

Isis Silvestri
High school student
•Platinum white hair, Amber eyes and perfect figure.
• Not really good at studies.
• Does modelling and was casted in some movies.
• Not a sweet heroine.
• Extremely sarcastic
• Hates weak people
• A player, never dated a boy more than a week.
• Never kissed someone (that's a secret)
• Rescued and adopted Chrissy.
• Admires Chrissy's strong spirit.
• Loves her brother but kind of hates him too.
• Hates her parents
• Extremely rich parents but still has to suck up to rich people because you know, you can never get rich enough.
• Likes to bully Vincere and kind of likes him too, though she would never admit.
A/N: Do not get on her bad side.

Vincere Montague
• Studies at the same school as Isis.
• Got admitted through academic excellence.
• Light brown fluffy hair, dark brown eyes, a sharp jawline and wears black rimmed glasses. Average body shape but tall as Archer.
• A very sweet guy.
• Gets bullied by Isis and is kind of vary of her.
• Best friend of Jake Carter.
• Friends with Belle Smith.
• Likes sweet and cute girls.
• Has a special spot for Chrissy.
• Thinks that Isis is a rich spoiled brat and lives comfortably.
• Intelligent academic-wise but not in real life situations.
• Does not like Isis's friends.
A/N: He's a cute squishy nerd.

Cassandra Burns
• Average at studies
• Isis's best friend
• Grew up in a strict household, her parents don't like Isis.
• Rich, duh.
• Rainbow coloured hair, dark blue eyes with perfect figure.
• Cheerleading captain.
• Ex-player but had some serious relationships.
• In love with Jake Carter.
• A preppy fun loving girl.
• But can transform into a devil in no time.
• Cares about Isis and Archer.
A/N: everyone needs a Cass in their life.

Archer Williams
• Average in studies.
• Bestfriends with Cass and Isis, loves them like his own sister.
• Dyed white hair, sky blue eyes (nearly white), a great physic with a killer smile.
• No father.
• Business went bankrupt 2 years ago.
• Now due to Barbara's hard work they are rich but not at the level of Isis and Cass.
• Captain of soccer team.
• A player
A/N: You can't help falling in love with him.

Jake Carter
• Vincere's bestfriend
• Good at academics.
• Red hair, brown eyes and good physic.
• A member of soccer team.
• Has rich parents but doesn't boast about it.
• Humble and kind
• A good friend of Vincere.
A/N: secretly in love with someone.

Belle Smith
• friend of Vincere and Jake.
• Neighbour of Vincere.
• Sweet optimistic girl with good grades.
A/N: she's a nice girl.

Levi Silvestri
•Brother of Isis.
• Brown hair, amber eyes and average physic.
• A sweet brother, loves Isis.
• Loves his parents.
• A prodigy child.
• Handles his parents Hotel business.
• The most cherished child in the family.
• Optimistic and good at heart.
A/N: Someone's getting married.

Chrissy Silvestri
• 4 year old.
• Adopted by Isis.
• Blond hair, blue eyes.
• Has been living in orphanage for 3 years and as a homeless for 1 year.
• A teddy and a photograph left by her mother.
• Extremely intelligent and understanding girl.
• Loves Isis the most even though she sometimes upsets her.
• The biggest supporter of Isis.
• Likes Vincere's company.
A/N: she's just cute.

Comment if there's anyone else you all would like to know.

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