Chapter 25: It's a guy's thing

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Without music, life would be a mistake.


The world would be invaded by aliens or my mother would stop being corrupt but Ernest Black wouldn't stop bumping into me.

I sigh 'What do you think you are doing?' I was walking alone towards my first class, Archer and Cass being preoccupied with a boyfriend and a game. They all have something to attend to, except for me.

'Sorry Isis, I wasn't looking' he gives me a nervous laugh.

I ignore him and keep walking and he walks beside me, catching up with my fast pace.

'Hey slow down' he adjusts the books in his hand, just like Vin.

Unconsciously I slow down and walk besides him.
'You know exams are near? Did you prepare?' he asks.

'Not really'

'How about we both study together after school?'

I turn towards him to give him a piece of my mind.
For the first time I actually notice his face. His blue eyes shone under the sunlight and his black hair complimented it. And to finish it all off- a god sculpted jawline. No wonder he was accepted into the populars so easily.

'Isis?' he questions again when he sees me staring. 

'How bold of you to assume that I will want to study, that too with you'

'But Archer said you were failing'

'Yeah so? I won't put my life on pause for something as trival as studies. Did you know in ancient times people didn't give exams, they used to learn'

'Yeah but failing would mean summer school. And that would be more hard on you'

He's right. After all I wanted to get out of this hellhole as soon as possible. Not studying will only be delaying that.

'Ok meet me at the library after school' after saying that I quickly walk inside my class not looking back to see his reaction.

The whole day went by just like that. Archer was busy with his game, he said its an important season, and Cass was busy with her new boyfriend.

It was new to me, Cass never parted with me even when she got a boyfriend but now she spends most of her time with him.

But I won't be that insensible best friend that gets angry over this, people need space and I actually like staying alone.

I am running 20 minutes late to our study session at the library but that's all because of Mrs S who wouldn't stop talking about how I was lacking.

The library was half full, I guess all the nerds are studying for the exam.
I notice Ernest sitting at a table near the window and walk towards him.

He feels my presence and averts his eyes from the window 'I thought you wouldn't come'

'Was planning on it' to which he gives me a knowing smile.

I place my bag down and see Vin, Belle and Jake sitting two tables away from us.

I thought Cass said she was going on a date with Jake?

Just when I was thinking about calling Cass, Jake gets up from his seat, says something to the both of them and leaves the library.

'Do you think we should go study with them?' Ernest says after he sees me staring at their table.

'Why? You don't think that you can handle me?' I reply sarcasticly to divert his attention.

'Huh you wish'

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