s i x t e e n

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i mean, how could i possibly get three strands of his hair without freaking him out?

“hi tae, i just want to pluck out three strands of your hair. is it okay?”

“hi, bestfriend! i just want to pluck three strands of your hair, because i need to make a love potion for you to realize my feelings for you and to make you fall for me.”

in no way am i saying those things.

urgh, my head is aching!
i am in dire need of kim taehyung's three luscious strands of hair!

“what the hell is your problem, eru? you look like you're itching to take a shit.” clover said while sipping on her milktea.

“i'm looking for something, clover.” i told her and she raised a brow.

i heard voices by the corner of the hallway which sounded like two males speaking and if i'm not mistaken, one of the owner of the voice is jungkook.
i walked briskly towards the corner, clover quickly tailing behind.

i saw jungkook talking with another guy smaller than him.
from where i'm standing, the smaller looks cute, with that eye smile and plump lips and cute height.
but of course, my bestfriend taetae is still the handsome one. hehi.

the smaller guy's laughing, eyes almost like a thin line, while jungkook's chuckling, scratching the back of his head. the smaller one's holding a little pillow which is somehow familiar to me. they're talking about something.

“oh, what does the little shiba want?”

i rolled my eyes when jungkook called me shiba again.
i looked at the guy jungkook was talking with and he smiled at me.
what the frick should i call him? i couldn't remember what koreans call an older guy or whatever—
“aniki—i mean, op-oppa,” i stuttered, remembering the term, because i'm not used at saying it, “what's that?” i asked.

jungkook intervened.
“well, obviously a pillow. stupid shiba,” he said while chuckling and i rolled my eyes, “what do you want, anyway? you're disturbing us.”

the smaller one smiled at me.
“oh, this,” he said and raised the pillow slightly, “this is taehyung's pillow that jung—”

i jumped in excitement and quickly held the pillow.
“oh, really? can i inspect it for a bit?” i asked. he gave me an amused yet confused look and nodded, handing me the pillow. i looked at the maroon-coloured pillow and carefully inspected it. i sniffed every part and corner that surely earned an eye roll from jungkook.

“she's really a shiba.” i heard jungkook say in a low murmur.

“is she okay?” i heard the other guy ask.

the pillow smelled of taehyung's faint scent mixed with another weird yet pleasant scent to the nose.
when i flipped the pillow slowly, i scanned the soft pillow.

my heart almost leaped out of my chest when i spotted two strands of hair and i quickly plucked it out.
i looked at the smaller guy and smiled so sweetly at him, grabbing his hand and shook it quite hard for his liking due to the face he was making.
“i'm eru, by the way. thank you so much for letting me inspect taehyung's pillow. you have my gratitude. may i have the name of the person who i owe my life with?” yeah, i owe him my life.

he looked at jungkook then back at me.
“oh, i—i'm jimin. you're welcome.. i guess?” he said and my smile grew wider.

i excitedly looked at the two strands of hair. what should i do now? i need one more.

oh well.
maybe i'll just cut my hair.
surely, manang bola won't notice it or anything.

“look at how that shiba's tail wags, hyung.” jungkook commented, scratching the back of his head.

“oooh, hairfall's bad today, eh?” i heard the small guy—jimin, say.
i shrugged and hoped that jungkook's hairfall continues until he has no more hair left.

i shrieked internally as i tried my best to hide my excitement.


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