f i f t y - t h r e e

92 3 0

my heart just whispered something my mind couldn't accept. couldn't fathom. couldn't understand.

i don't either. i don't understand how all of this led to this, me falling in love with him.
taehyung is the one i love from the beginning. he's the reason why i did all of this.

more tears started streaming down my cheeks and i slowly got tired of wiping it away. everything feels so painful. my heart kept whispering something i don't want to admit for myself.

that in such a short span of time; that in almost just a snap of a finger, all the emotions and feelings i collected for myself went straight to dust.

“how,” i whispered in between sobs, “h-how is this even possible?” i sobbed as i held my chest even tighter, wrinkling my shirt.

it felt so hard to breathe.

i couldn't admit to myself..
that after all those years of liking taehyung and finally having him like me back,
i fell out of love.

no, fuck.
i'm just confused. that's it.
i love taehyung and jungkook's just confusing me.

these thoughts made me cry harder, for i feel so wrong when i say it.

i need to calm down and think about this.
i.. i need to tell taehyung about this.

i've fallen out of love.

that's why i couldn't feel anything for him at all. and jungkook kept confusing me without him knowing it. but he's avoiding me at all cost now.

the sting in my chest worsened and i yelped in pain.

i need to tell taehyung before it's too late.

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