t w e n t y - f o u r

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the whole time taehyung and i were walking together, i was imagining what my wedding dress would look like and what theme would match both of us.

my heart was thumping wildly inside my chest and if taehyung would ever hear it, his ears would just bleed on the spot.

we were talking about anything under the sun, i wasn't much of a talker but with taehyung, i would start to babble and laugh at anything stupid.

"you're prettier when you smile." taehyung said, out of the blue. i stopped laughing for a moment, taking in what he just said.

did.. did taehyung say i'm pretty?

am i pretty?

but taehyung said i'm pretty.


"i—w-what was that, tae?" i said, looking away, face all red and burning up. i heard him chuckle.

"oh, you're blushing, eru! do you hate being called pretty?" he asked and i blushed even more.

not when it's you who compliments me.

i looked ahead once more, face still flushed.
"i don't particularly hate it. i'm just surprised.. that someone actually thinks i'm pretty." i said, much lower.

"i genuinely do think you're pretty, eru."
i gulped.

if taehyung continues to be like this, i might die of heart attack.
"i—uh.. t-thanks."

taehyung smiled, a simple, small smile, not showing his teeth or that typical box smile he usually does.
"you're always welcome, eru."

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"what happened next?" clover gushed excitedly, smacking my arm.

"shhhh! tae might hear you!" i said, shushing her.

"what happened next?" she whispered, still excited.

"well, my mom was really happy when she saw him again. it's been so many years since she last saw him. dad wasn't home yet. the three of us ate together. he really liked mom's beef stew."

a warm, fuzzy feeling started brewing inside my stomach and my chest as i recalled what happened yesterday.
"mom asked him if he already has a girlfriend. of course i was surprised and at the same time, i hope he wasn't dating anyone. he gulped down what he was chewing and told my mom he wasn't seeing or dating anyone. and that actually made me wanna do a somesault."

"so you do really have a chance on tae." clover commented.

"no, clover. not yet. my mom was surprised as well and asked if he has a crush on anyone at the moment. of course, i stopped mom. that's a personal question. i told tae i was sorry if mom was asking such a personal question. he smiled politely at both of us and answered my mom's question."

"i do think your daughter's pretty."

clover suddenly shrieked and i immediately covered her mouth. she licked my palms and i quickly retracted my hand away from her.

"hihi, i see you're finally having a boyfriend, eru."

my eyes widened as a blush crept up my face.
"what? no!"

"ooh, denying taehyung? i like it."

"no, i am not den—"


that voice sounds oddly familiar. but it was deeper than usual. i whirled around only to find jungkook staring at me seriously. there wasn't any hint of playfulness in his stares and for the second time, i felt scared of jungkook.

"come with me. we need to talk." he said, staring at me dead in the eye.

i raised a brow.
"huh? can't you see i'm ta—"

"matsuoka, we need to talk. now."

i suddenly felt a weird thump and sting in my chest.
"i don't want to. stop disturbing me, jungkook."

i felt another wave of sting inside my chest.
"do you want me to carry you on my shoulder and cause students to whisper about you?"

what a weird way to ask someone to come with you, jungkook.
he seems to be serious about something so i rolled my eyes and stood up.

clover smiled at me.
"see ya later, matsuoka!" she said, waving at me.

we went to our next classroom, with only a few of our classmates in.
jungkook sat down beside me.
"i think you know why i want to talk to you." he said in a low voice. i felt a weird sensation stir up inside my chest upon hearing jungkook's low voice.

"no, i don't have any idea at all."

"yesterday, i left a note on your locker asking you to see me so we could talk." he said in a serious voice.

oh, so jungkook wasn't kidding.

"i went home with taehyung so i couldn't talk with you yesterday. plus, i thought you were tripping." i muttered.

jungkook raised a brow.
"for a shiba, you're a big idiot. you could've informed me so i didn't wait for you." he said.

it was now me who raised a brow.
"a what? excuse me, but it's not my fault you had to wait there! i told you i thought you were tripping!"

"well, just remember when it comes to this soul switching thing, i don't have time to kid around. i want to go back to normal just as much as you do. but you aren't helping at all."

i got fed up with his blabbering and looked at him in his eyes.
"are you done?" before he could reply, stood up and walked away.

i wasn't even near the classroom door when my vision started whirling rapidly that made me dizzy and hold onto anything that could support me. specks of black holes appeared in my vision, slowly eating the colors of my vision and my remaining consciousness.

i felt a warm hand snake around my waist and another one that held my arm to stop my from falling to the floor.

strong, warm arms.

i looked around and even in my dizzy state, i could still recognize jungkook's blurred and whirling face.
"hey! hey eru! ERU!"

i couldn't mumble anything but with all my remaining strength, i held onto his hand before the black void finally enveloped my whirling vision.

soul switch│ j.jk ✔Where stories live. Discover now