t h i r t y - t h r e e

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there's been a name on the tip of my tongue i couldn't quite remember. i remember saying it but i couldn't now.

clover's absent today because she went to singapore. i don't even know why the heck she went there so suddenly without saying anything to me. she just explained that it's her father's doing and that she'll just bring me home many products and stuffs from her trip. i can't believe she'll be gone for a good two weeks especially now that exams are coming up a month from today.

taehyung today.. has been.. how could i explain this—getting really handsome these past few days. i'm not saying he's not handsome before but now, he's getting more and more handsome i don't even know if my heart can handle more than that. maybe because he got a new haircut but i'm entirely sure it isn't because of that. he's been glowing lately.

“you okay?”

i blinked my eyes a few times and realized tae was already waving his hand in front of my face.
“oh, sorry.” i mumbled.

tae smiled at me.
“weird. you've been smiling and staring at me for a good minuted now.” he chuckled, looking at me.

“if i could stare at you for a whole day, i'd certainly oblige.” i proudly stated, only realizing what the hell i just said when tae looked at me.

he raised a brow as a playful smile plastered on his handsome features.
“ooh, getting daring, aren't we?”

my face completely and utterly flushed at his words and his face. he's so handsome i think i'm gonna die right now.
“no, i'm sorry.” i said, laughing along with him.

when we both finally calmed down, i just looked at his ethereal beauty.
ya! stop staring if you don't want me to melt!” tae said that made me flush and chuckle at the same time.

“you're very handsome, tae. i hope you know that.”

tae didn't smile and just looked at my eyes.
“and you're just as pretty. i hope you know that.”

you're falling even more in love, eru.

tae raised his hand and gently tucked my bangs away from the frame of my face.
“very, very, very, pretty.”

i looked away for a moment before looking back up at him, making sure to make direct eye contact with him.
“stop joking around, stupid.”

“oh, but i'm not kidding though. if i was joking, you should be laughing now. i'm telling the truth. i'm surprised no one in this school's asking you out.”

i wondered that as well.
if people are telling me i'm cute or pretty, then why is no one dating me? nice try raising my confidence, guys.
“doesn't that mean you're saying bs?” i teased and he frowned.

he was about to say something when the president of our class went up in front and announced that our professor's absent for today which earned a roar of laughter and cheering. as the whole class errupted into a fit of cheers, i stared at tae's happy profile. he's happily looking at kookie who kept whistling like he's calling a horse and catcalling at the same time.

for a moment, i felt like the world slowed down for me and gave me all the time to look at his face, memorize his features and just admire his existence.
“well, someone doesn't clearly see the beauty in you.” tae commented.

well, kim taehyung doesn't clearly see the beauty in me. and the fact that he's my best friend makes it worse.

“obviously, that someone's stupid.” i said, hinting at something.

but of course, he's kim taehyung and kim taehyung is supposed to be denser than plasma.
he's denser than plasma, i don't even know what to do.

“surely because you aren't making a move.” tae stated as-a-matter-of-factly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world that i haven't done. i raised a brow as i widened my eyes at him.

“oh, so do you want me to?”

taehyung nodded.
“please do, madam. who knows. maybe he's just waiting for you,” he said with a shrug, looking away, “do not be wary, though. i'll support you all throughout. if you need a vodka, we can plan it out when you want to forget.”

“okay. i'll remember what you said.”

“okay. make sure you tell me what he's reaction is and if he rejects you, he better go to an eye specialist and get a good pair of glasses.” i chuckled again at his words, imagining what his reaction would be if i tell him it's him who i actually like for god knows how long.

my warm moments were soon put to a halt as an intense stinging pain shot through my chest. i clutched my uniform, holding tight on my chest, trying to ease the pain.

and in that moment, i realized that taehyung actually falling in love with me might be the answer to jungkook's and my problem.

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author's note;
christmas breaaaak! i can finally get out of uni for at least more than two weeks and get all the rest i need before going to war again. lmfao

i saw a facebook post a while ago saying, "it's better to suffer for 4 years in college than to suffer for the rest of your lives because of not being able to graduate."
lol don't make me laugh, we're all gonna die soon either way. it's just a matter of race between death and time.

anyway, hope y'all enjoyed chapter 33 and i'll see y'all on my next update.

enjoy your 24 hours.

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