t h i r t y - f o u r

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i've been meaning to ask jungkook about it.

i heard him mention it once, and he wasn't even joking about it. he was dead serious. and angry, to say the least.
i wanted to ask him but surely i won't get any good answer.

so i should go to his bestfriend, kim taehyung.
“who?” taehyung ask again.

“i heard it from him days ago. he was talking to this guy, yohan,” i said and tae immediately knew who he was, nodded and hummed, “he mentioned the name ‘emily’ to yohan and he was angry.”

“oh,” tae said and nodded again, “hadn't heard that name in a long while.”

“so, you know her?”

“yeah, why?”

i paused for a moment.
why am i even asking who emily is?
what is my reason, anyway? what will i get after knowing who she is?
“i just.. want to know. it surprised me that jungkook made that angry expression to yohan after mentioning that name.”

“i'm not really in the place to tell you anything about her. you should go to jungkook and ask him about her,” tae replied and looked at me, “what's the matter, anyway? did you meet her? saw her somewhere?”

i shook my head.
“no. just heard her name once from jungkook. but thank you anyway, tae.” i said and smiled at him.

he warmly smiled back.
“no problem.”

“oh, and uhm, tae—” i blurted out, “—are you.. are you free this saturday?” i asked, cheeks flushing. i felt my hands perspire yet again as they gently shook for a fleeting moment.

i need to confess or make a move. whatever!
i need to make sure kim taehyung falls in love with me before this whole chaos worsen. i don't want jungkook squishing my boobs again, for fuck's sake.

taehyung seemed to try his best to fight the smile that's forming on his lips.
“hmm, yes. why?”

“well, there's this good movie we could watch and there's a really cute carnival opening that night and they'll light up the fireworks, i heard, plus the bay looks really cool so i think, maybe we could.. i don't know.. walk there and admire the ocean or something like that and-and we could try the—”

my rambling was put to a halt as kim taehyung pinched my chin and looked directly at my eyes as he smiled.
“11:00 am sharp, i'll pick you up. we'll watch that movie together and walk around and try those streetfoods i know they're famous for. we'll walk by the bay and admire the sunset and the ocean. we'll go to the carnival you're saying and try everything there. sounds good?”

my jaw literally dropped as i stared at his eyes then to his pinkish, kissable lips as it opened at every letter and syllable then back at his eyes again, but obviously staring at his parting lips more.

i ran out of words to say because of his deep voice, his sun-kissed honey-toned skin, pointed nose, pretty eyes, and all those little moles.

his smile grew wider.
“a bestfriend date, then?”

i gulped.
“y-yeah. okay.”

tae clapped and squished my cheeks.

bestfriend date, huh.

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our last period had already ended and all were more than excited to get home already. tae told me he wanted to walk me home but got an emergency call so he quickly went out and i let him be.

jungkook on the other hand was still that loud irritating guy. but every time i'd talk to him, his mood will suddenly change and i don't even know why. like, is my existence pissing him off? i'm doing a good job, then.
i couldn't even describe the face he makes whenever i talk to him.
he's just.. irritated? doesn't really want to talk to me or something like that?

but he doesn't frequently do that. most days, he just wakes up and goes to school just to piss the living hell out of me.

i remember i needed to ask him about emily.


he didn't look my way and continued arranging his bag as if there was even something to arrange in the first place.
“i'm busy.”

i rolled my eyes.
“i have an important question to ask.”

“not today, shiba.”

“it's about a girl.”

this time, jungkook looked up with a brow raised at me and a frown that definitely doesn't suit him.

“promise me you won't get angry or offended?” jungkook's forehead knitted like he got confused with what i said.

“your wasting my time, eru.” he coldly replied.

okay. i'm gonna pretend that that sentence did not irritate me.
“who's emily?”

as soon as those words left my lips, jungkook's face turned serious.
“where did you hear that name?”

if i wasn't irritated at jungkook, i swear his serious voice would've made me flinch already.
“when you were talking with yohan.”

“you shouldn't be eavesdropping on other people's private conversations just like that.” he replied.

“well, i'm sorry i heard! but i was searching for you and you kept flirting with men with my body WITHOUT my permission, just so we're clear. i'm just asking.” i said in an irritated tone.

“that's none of your business, eru.”

i crossed my arms in front of my chest.
“why the hell are you so mad for? did i do something wrong to you?”

“technically yes because you eavesdropped.”

“i told you i didn't mean it! all i'm asking is that who is emily?” i insisted that maybe made him more furious.

“i'm telling you this once and never again: who she is, whatever you heard is none of your business so i suggest you shut the hell up because i don't want to hear that name from you again.” he said before storming out of the room, leaving me weirdly dejected.

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