Chapter 2

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"When are you gonna make a move on Peter?"

"I don't know Ma. He likes Liz. He doesn't like me like that."

"You've liked him since fifth grade. You need to do something."

"No, I don't. I've waited for five years, I can wait longer."

"Do you love him?"

"You know I do Ma."

"Then go after him."

I suddenly woke up from my dream, darting up and hitting my head on the ceiling of Peter's room. I had slept on the top bed of his bunk bed. "Owwww," I silently groaned. At least, I thought it was silent.

"Allie? Are you ok?" I heard Peter say from under me, half asleep.

"Shit. I didn't mean to wake you, I'm sorry," I said.

"No, it's fine. What happened?" he asked as he climbed the ladder and sat next to me.

"I just had a dream about a conversation my mom and I had before she passed. I'm not gonna bore you with the convo though."

"No, I wanna hear it."

"We were just talking about you, and how good of a friend you are."


"Yeah. My mom loved you. She always wanted us together."

"I know, Aunt May is the same way."


For a few seconds, we sat in silence. Then, Peter spoke up. "You know, I've been thinking."


"About a lot of things. And... I just want to say thank you. For everything. You've been there for me in some pretty dark times, and I've never really said thanks."

"Well, what are friends for?"

It was dark, but I could see him smile a little. He climbed back down to his bed, and we both went back to sleep until Saturday morning.

~Time Skip~

"Allie, wake up. There's someone here for you," I heard Peter say.

I stirred awake, and my hair was a poofy mess as I got down from the bed. "Wow, your bed head is as bad as always," Peter joked, earning him a playful smack on the arm.

I had my hoodie on, so I pulled my hood on and walked out into their living room. When I got to the living room, I saw a man in a suit. "Hi, you must be Miss Stark. I'm Mr. Goodman, I work for child services. I wanted to inform you that your uncle and new guardian should be here shortly."

"I'm sorry, this must be some kind of mistake. My uncle is in prison for murder."

"Oh, not your father's brother. Your mother's brother."

"My mom doesn't have a brother."

"She does, actually. She was put up for adoption and aged out of the system. From my knowledge she hardly communicated with her birth family."

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