Chapter 13

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"So, are you guys, like, dating?" Ned asked as the three of us hung out in our hotel room in DC.

"We haven't made it official yet, but yeah," Peter said as he moved him and I's bags from on our bed to the floor.

"That's great. I really ship you guys, " Ned said.

"Thanks Ned. I do too," I said.

Peter came over to me and gave me a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He picked me up by my thighs, causing my legs to wrap around his waist. He set me down on the bed as we both separated and took a quick breath before kissing again.

"Umm, guys. This is awkward for me. Plus, what am I doing to these suits?" Ned asked.

"Turn off the tracking device," I said as Peter let go of me and went over by Ned. "And sorry for making you awkward."

"It's cool. Wait, could Mr. Stark find out that I tampered with these suits?" Ned asked.

"I don't think so," I said.

"I don't feel comfortable doing this. I mean, he put these things in these suits for a reason, right?" Ned said.

"No, he put them in there because he doesn't trust us," Peter said, jumping up on our bed.

"Exactly. We're not little kids," I said. "We're old enough to make smart decisions."

"Right, smart. Like having me hack suits made by Tony freaking Stark so you can sneak off to do something stupid," Ned said.

"Do you really feel that uncomfortable?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, kinda," Ned said.

"Fine, then give me the laptop," I said, sitting on the bed next to him.

"No, don't touch my laptop. I may be uncomfortable, but I'll do it," Ned said. "Allie, you could get in serious trouble if you tamper with these and Mr. Stark finds out. You could be grounded for life. So I'll take the fall. Plus, you guys are both superheroes now, and every superhero or super duo needs a guy in the chair."

"A guy in the chair?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, like their tech guy. Batman had Alfred, Iron Man has F.R.I.D.A.Y., the Umbrella Academy had Pogo...." Ned said.

"Ned, you read way too many comic books. And news flash, the only real one of those 'tech guys' you mentioned happens to be an A.I. I have in my own freaking car. But whatever you want to call yourself, we need those trackers turned off," I said.

Ned tapped on some keys on his keyboard. "Done." He laughed. "What's 'Training Wheels Protocol'?"

"What?" Peter asked.

"Turn it off. We're not children who need training wheels," I said.

Ned gave me a skeptical look, but turned it off anyway. "Ok, it's off. But don't you think Mr. Stark put that in there for a reason?" he asked.

"Yeah, he put it in there because he doesn't trust us. So, we're gonna have to make him trust us," I said.

"Exactly," Peter said. He looked at me. "Where are the guys at?"

I tapped a couple buttons on my watch and brought up a map with a little red dot on it. "Looks like they're stopped at some gas station in the middle of nowhere. We should probably get going now or we'll miss them."

"Yeah, you're right. You'll cover for us, right Ned?" Peter asked.

Ned nodded. "Of course. Just remember, be careful and be back for the comp tomorrow."

Peter and I nodded before leaving the room, our suits on under our clothes. We snuck out of the room, but as we went to go down the hall, we ran into Liz, Flash, and a lot of other members of the Acadec team. They were all in their swimsuits. "Hey guys. Where are you off to?" Liz asked.

"Oh, just off to the business center to study," I said.

"Right, to 'study'. Come on, you guys were obvious on the bus, you guys are going to fuck," Flash said.

"If we wanted to fuck, Flash, it would be Ned leaving, not us, and we wouldn't have our backpacks with us," I said.

"Whatever you guys are doing, when you're done, I would love for you guys to join us at the hot tub. Unauthorized group activities can help boost morale and build team bonds," Liz said, staring straight at Peter.

"We'll try and stop by," Peter said.

We both walked away as quickly as possible. As soon as we were outside the hotel and out of sight, we stripped off our normal clothes, shoved them into our backpacks, and pulled on the rest of our suits. We found a large truck that looked to be going the right way and hitched a ride on it.

When we got to the gas station, we hopped off and perched ourselves on a sign in the shadows where we could see the people in the truck on the other side of the parking lot. "Ok, time to see what these guys are doing," I said

"Would you like me to turn on x-ray vision?" a voice said inside my suit.

It must have said that in Peter's suit too, because he almost fell off the sign. "Who are you?" he asked.

The AI voice ignored him. "Congratulations on completing the rigorous Training Wheels program!" it said.

"Yeah, thanks. Anyway, do you have a heat sensor function?" I asked.

"Yes I do, Miss Stark," the AI said.

"Great, turn that on," I said.

I suddenly could see red shapes moving in the truck. "Ok, it's go time," Peter said.

"Activating Instant Kill Mode," the AI said, and my lenses went red.

"Woah, woah, woah, I don't want to kill anyone!" Peter said.

"Deactivating Instant Kill Mode," the AI said.

"So, quick question, are Peter and I's suits connected?" I asked the AI.

"Right now they are, yes," the AI responded.

"Unlink mode requests, but keep your communication to each suit open to both," I said.

"Yes ma'am."

"Ok, now that that's taken care of, let's get these guys."

"Would you like a different web mode?"

"Ooo, yes please. What are the options?"

The AI put the different web modes up in my lens. "Wow, ok. This is so cool." Before I could choose anything, Peter started messing around with stuff. Electric webs were flying everywhere and almost setting things on fire. "Peter, be careful! Give him normal webs!"

"Changing back to standard webs," the AI said.

"Jesus fuck, babe!" I said.

"Sorry, sorry!" Peter said.

My earpiece tuned in to the truck's radio frequency, and I could hear them talking to another person. "Target inbound," one of the guys said.

"They're in the middle of a heist," Peter said.

"Hopefully we can catch them red-handed," I said.

We saw the wing guy land on the last of a convoy of trucks, put something on the roof, and dropped into it. Peter and I swung onto the roof of the truck. "No way, it's some kind of phase shifter," Peter said.

"Let's just get this over with," I said, dropping down into the truck. "Hey, Big Bird, I'm pretty sure this stuff doesn't belong to you."

The wing guy turned to face me, and as he did Peter swung down and kicked him in the face. Peter and I fought the guy outside for a little bit before being knocked back into the truck. When Peter went to jump back out of the truck, I realized that the phase shifter was gone. "Peter, wai-" I tried to yell, but it was too late. Peter jumped up, hit his head, and got knocked out cold.

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