Chapter 16

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"Ok, there he is. You sure you don't want me to take the lead on this?" I asked Peter.

"Yeah, just stay over here in case I need back-up," Peter said, his voice the deep and metallic one that's activated when using the Enhanced Interrogation Protocol.

"God, I hate that voice," I said mostly to myself as Peter went to start interrogating Aaron Davis.

Peter shot a web and stuck Aaron's hand to his trunk. "Remember me?" Peter asked.

"Uh, hey...." Aaron said, clearly confused by the situation.

"I need information. You're gonna give it to me now," Peter said.

"Jeez, this interrogation mode is really over the top," I muttered to myself.

"All right, chill," Aaron said.

"Come on!" Peter said, clearly the opposite of chill.

"What happened to your voice?" Aaron asked.

"Stupidity happened to it," I muttered.

"What do you mean, what happened to my voice?" Peter asked.

"I heard you by the bridge. I know what a girl sounds like."

I practically felt Peter's face go red. "I'm not a girl! I'm a boy! I mean, I'm a... I'm a man!"

"Sure you are babe. Sure you are," I said sarcastically.

"I don't care what you are, a boy, a girl-" Aaron said before Peter cut him off.

"I'm not a girl! I'm a man! Come on, man. Look, who is selling these weapons? I need to know. Give me names or else!" Peter said.

Aaron slammed his trunk closed, making Peter jump. "You ain't ever done this before, huh?" Aaron asked.

Peter looked defeated. "Deactivate interrogation mode," he said as he started to walk back over to me.

I came out of my hiding place and over to him. "Hey, it's ok, let me try," I said.

"Look, Aaron, these guys are selling weapons that are crazy dangerous. They can't just be out in the streets. Look, if one of them can just cut Delmar's bodega in half-" I started before Aaron cut me off.

"You know Delmar's?" he asked.

"Yeah, best sandwiches in Queens," Peter said.

"Sub Haven's pretty good," Aaron said.

"It's too much bread."

"I like bread."

"Come on, man, please," I asked.

Peter started to walk away muttering, "Stupid interrogation mode. Karen, don't ever do that again."

"You're the girl from the other night, huh? The one in the leather jacket?" Aaron asked me.

"Yeah, that might have been me," I said.

"The other night, you both told that dude to shoot you instead. That was pretty ballsy," Aaron said. "I don't want those weapons in this neighborhood. I got a nephew who lives here."

Peter walked back to my side. "Who are these guys? What can you tell me about the guy with the wings?" he asked.

"Other than he's a psychopath dressed like a demon, nothing. I don't know who or where he is." Aaron paused. "I do know where he's gonna be."

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, this crazy dude I used to work with, he's supposed to be doing a deal with him," Aaron said.

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