A note from me (the author)

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If you're reading this, that means you've (hopefully) finished reading my story Spying on Spider-Man, and for that I want to say thank you!! This is by far my favorite fandom to write about, seeing as I've been practically obsessed with the MCU since I saw The Avengers back in 2012. It's also my favorite because Spying on Spider-Man isn't the only story about Allison Maria Stark and Peter Benjamin Parker; I actually have three more books planned, each one taking place during another movie (or two, but that's all I'll say without giving anything away!) I hope that, if you liked this story, you'll read those ones when I publish them too.

This is also a big moment for me: this is the first fanfiction I've finished writing! I can get super bad writer's block, and that makes it really difficult for me to get any writing done. I'm also still a full-time high school student, and I do marching band in the fall and the musical in the spring, so I don't have a lot of free time. Because of all that, it can take me months to write a single chapter, which isn't good at all and is probably why I don't have a lot of readers. But hey, I write for myself, not for recognition. Plus, it just shows me that the people that do make it to the end really love the book and are willing to wait for me to update, which I really appreciate.

With summer break coming for me next week, I'm gonna try and write and publish the first chapter or so of the next book in my Spider-Man saga, which is titled Always and Forever. Stay safe during quarantine, and once again, thank you so much for reading my story!!

Love, Kaitlyn, aka Kaitkaitkitty <3

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