Chapter 21

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When Peter and I got outside, Toomes was still perched on the billboard outside. "Hang on tight," Peter said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I wrapped both of my arms around Peter's waist and squeezed tight as he shot a web at Toomes's wing suit. A few seconds later a plane passed by, and Toomes took off after it, taking Peter and I with him. When we got to the plane, Toomes's wings folded around him, putting him out of our sight.

Peter couldn't seem to get his grip on the plane, leaving me to repeatedly hit the plane as we whipped around in the wind. Eventually, Peter found his grip, and once I found mine, I came up with a plan.

"I need you to distract Toomes," I said. "While you do that, I'll pry the door open and make my way to the cockpit. From there I should be able to hack the system and regain control of the plane."

"Ok. Just be careful, ok?"

"You too."

Peter went to dislodge Toomes's wings while I went over to the side door of the plane. I pried it open and got inside, shutting it as quickly as possible to avoid setting off the air pressure alarms. As I walked into the cargo hold, I saw Toomes opening boxes and looking inside. The glow of arc reactors made it brighter than Christmas, making me duck behind a different stack of boxes.

As I was trying to figure out a way past Toomes, the air pressure alarm went off. He looked at some kind of screen, muttered "son of a bitch" and disappeared. I took that as my opportunity to make a beeline for the cockpit. "Peter, do you copy?" I asked as I sat in the pilot's seat.

"Yeah, but I'm having some issues out here, so if you could hurry it up, I would really appreciate it!!!" Peter yelled.

"Ok, ok, fine!" I looked at the controls in front of me and was relieved to see a keyboard among the manual flying controls. "It's just a big computer. I can hack it. Come on Allie, you got this. Let's do it."

After I was properly hyped up, I pulled the keyboard toward me and started typing, which proved to be very difficult with the plane jolting around (I'm pretty sure Peter took out an engine.) Just as I was starting to gain control, someone started to try and block me out. "Shit!" I yelled.

"Shit?! What's shit?!" Peter asked.

I looked through the windshield. We were headed straight for the city at an alarming rate. "You're gonna have to turn the plane from out there," I said.

"What?! Are you crazy?!

"Maybe a little. Ok, I just need you to pull the right wing flaps. That should get us pointed toward Coney Island."

I felt the plane turn just in time to miss a building, and just a minute later we crashed onto the beach by Coney Island. I tried to get out of the cockpit before we hit, but I only made it to the doorway before the nose hit the ground. It threw me back into the controls, my head hitting the dashboard before my vision went dark.

I woke up what my watch told me was only one minute later. "Peter," I whispered before getting up and running out of the cockpit into the wreckage. I found Peter, and Toomes wasn't far away. "Peter, are you ok?" I asked.

He ignored me and looked right at Toomes. When I turned to look too, I saw that Toomes's wing suit was sparking and was about to explode. "Your wing suit!" Peter yelled. "Your wing suit it about to explode!"

Peter weakly lifted his arm and pointed it at Toomes. He shot a web at the crate of arc reactors Toomes was trying to take and started to pull. Seeing Peter really struggle, I did the same, pulling with all my might. "Time to go home, kids," Toomes said.

"We're trying to save you!" I yelled.

Toomes ignored me and cut the webs. Peter and I both tried to shoot another web at him, but we were both out of web fluid. I looked back at the wing suit, and as it started to explode, I pushed Peter to the ground and shielded him from the flames.

After we were sure the main explosion was over, we both got up. We looked at each other, and as we made eye contact we both knew what we needed to do. As bad as he may have been, we weren't just going to leave him to die.

We ran through the flames and found Toomes's wing suit. Knowing be must have been under the suit, Peter ran over and tried to lift it. He burned himself and flinched away, but after I helped him lift the hot metal, we were able to throw it off of Toomes. We carried him out of the flames and dumped him on the beach while we caught our breath, and he gave us a look that said, "thank you."

Once we had caught our breath, Peter and I dragged Toomes over to some boxes, stacked some more, used the last of our web fluid to stick Toomes to the boxes, and left a note that said, "Found flying vulture guy! Spider-Man and Brown Recluse. P.S., Sorry about the plane!"

"We should get somewhere out of sight and wait for Happy to get here before we go," Peter said.

"I agree. Top of Cyclone?" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me."

We broke into Coney Island and climbed to the top of Cyclone. We sat there and rested for about fifteen minutes until Happy and a cleanup crew arrived. "Your house or mine?" I asked.

"I don't think either," Peter said. "I can't go home to May like this, but I can't face Mr. Stark right now."

"So my house." Peter opened his mouth to protest, but I stopped him. "Tony and Pepper both aren't home, so call May and let her know you're gonna spend tonight with me, ok? We really need to talk."

Peter nodded and took out his phone. The screen was all but shattered, but luckily it still worked. After Peter got off the phone with May, he looked at me. "Happy now?"

"Very. Now come on, let's get back to my house and get cleaned up. We both need it."

"What about your bag? You left it in Flash's car."

"We can swing by and see if we can get it real quick."

After we got my bag from Flash's car (barely missing the police), we went back to my house. When we were in my room, I sat on the bed and patted next to me. "Come sit. We need to talk," I said.

Peter sat next to me. "Allie, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I thought by breaking up with you I was protecting you, but I was wrong. I just caused you more heartache, which is not something you need right now. I love you. Will you please forgive me?"

I smiled. "I forgave you a long time ago. Peter, you could never hurt me. I love you so much. Nothing you could ever do would change that." He smiled, and as I smiled back, I studied the cuts on his face. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

After Peter and I cleaned each other's cuts, showered, and got into our pajamas, we laid in bed for a little bit. "Have you looked at the back of your locket?" Peter asked randomly.

"I can't say that I have," I said as I turned to face him.

"Read it."

I turned the locket over in my hand. On the back was an inscription that read, "Happy 16th, Alliebear. I will always and forever be your Spidey."

Tears welled in my eyes. "Always and forever, huh?"

"Well, we do seem to say it a lot."

"Yeah, we do." I gave him a quick kiss. "Goodnight Spidey. I love you."

"Goodnight Allie. I love you too."

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