Chapter 4

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I woke up around eight the next morning. I was still laying on Peter's lap, and he was on his phone. "Good morning. I'm sorry I fell asleep on you last night," I said.

"It's no big deal. Were my legs comfy enough, did you sleep ok?" he asked, putting down his phone.

"Yeah, I slept great. So, before we went to bed, you said something about meeting one of my heroes. What did that mean?"

"I guess it's less like meeting and more like visiting."

"You're just making me even more confused."

"You won't be soon."

I was still a little confused, but I got down out of the bed and got dressed. Peter also got changed, and we went out to the kitchen. "Morning kids! Do you want me to make you guys something for breakfast?" May asked as we walked out of Peter's room.

"No thanks Aunt May. I have some plans for this morning," Peter said.

"Ok. Have fun you two, and don't get in trouble," May said.

Peter and I nodded and walked out his door. "What do you mean by plans?" I asked, a little skeptical.

"Can I not treat my best friend to some Arthur's breakfast and a good day?" Peter asked me.

"Of course you can, I just hate not knowing your plans. It scares me sometimes."

"What do you mean it scares you? When have I planned a surprise for you that scared you?"

"Two weeks ago. You wanted me to come over to Ned's house to build a Lego set. Instead you and Ned dumped a bucket of water balloons on my head. I was freezing the rest of the day. I got sick later that night."

"Ok. I believe you now."

I smiled. We walked into Arthur's, our local breakfast hot spot. It was pretty empty, which surprised me, since it was usually a fifteen to twenty minute wait for a table. I was just glad we didn't have to wait that long.

When we walked in, I saw Lexi behind the counter. "Hey Lex. How's work going?" I asked as Peter and I took our seats at the counter.

"Better now that you're here. I swear, this has been so hard with Arthur out of town. Anyway, your usuals?" Lexi asked.

"Please," I said.

She nodded and went back to the kitchen. After a while Peter and I got our food. After we ate, we gave Lexi a tip, Peter payed, and we left. "So, where to now?" I asked.

"You'll see. You have your ID on you, right?" he asked.


"Good. You'll need it."

It was when we turned down the road to the cemetery that I knew what Peter was planning. We were stopped at the entrance to the cemetery. "This is a closed cemetery. ID please," the guard said.

I handed him my school ID. "My name is Allison Stark. I'm here to visit my grandparents, Howard and Maria Stark," I said. He gave Peter a skeptical look. "This is my boyfriend, Peter Parker. Honey, give him your ID."

I grabbed Peter's arm to make it more believable as he got out his ID and handed it to the guard. The guard nodded, gave us back our IDs, and let us in. When we walked in I took a right, then a left, being guided by some unknown force until I found what I was looking for. "Here lies Howard and Maria Stark. Loving couple, parents, and grandparents," I said aloud.

I looked to the left of their headstone. As read the headstone next to theirs, I gasped and started to cry. It said, "Here lies Tamara Stark. Loving wife and mother."

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