Chapter 5

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"Allie, dinner's here!" I heard Tony call from downstairs.


I paused my Netflix and rushed downstairs. I was really hungry, and Tony had procrastinated getting dinner. Finally he decided to get us Chinese food, and I was very excited since I hadn't had some in a while.

"Thanks, I'm starved. Do you have rules about where I'm allowed to eat?" I asked.

"No, as long as you clean up after yourself," Tony said.

I nodded and sat on the couch. It was a beautiful house, with a waterfall feature in the main living room area, and not only beautiful glass spiral stairs but also a glass elevator up to the second and third floors. The elevator and stairs down to the basement weren't as pretty, but they had biotech scanners so no unauthorized people could get down there.

"So, how are your grades?" Tony asked.

"All As. A+s in band and chem."

"In chemistry too?"

"Yeah. Don't know how, but I do. Another thing I don't understand is how I don't have an A+ in Acadec."


"Academic Decathlon. I'm also in marching band, on the debate team, and part of the engineering and Christian clubs."

"You are very busy."

"Yeah, and that's just part of them. I'm also in AP Chemistry, English 10 honors, Math II honors, debate, and AP European history as a 0 period."


"I have so much I enjoy. I took my first year of Spanish over the summer last year, and I wanna take Spanish II over the summer this year. It's $500, is that ok?"

"Honey, I'm a billionaire, if you want to spend $500 on a better education, be my guest."

"Thanks. I don't need anymore PE, since after school marching band counts toward PE credits. My senior year I'll have a couple of open periods, so I think I'm going to take another band class or two."

"Wow. You really love band."

"Yeah. Speaking of, I have marching band practice on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays if there's no game. Fridays we have games, and Saturdays we usually have a competition."

"Ok. I'll get you there, don't worry."

"I wasn't worrying, I was just letting you know. Oh, and Acadec championships in DC are coming up too. It's an overnight thing."

"Ok. Thanks for letting me know."

"Of course. Oh, and I have a debate thing next Sunday, I have to be at school at noon."

"Ok. Do you want me to stay and watch?"

"I want you to, but if you don't want to don't worry about it. I can get a ride home from May and Peter. They come to all of my functions, even debate, which Peter isn't part of. He's in Acadec and marching band with me though."

"Huh. Ok."

I wolfed down the rest of my food before heading upstairs to the second floor to take a shower. I basically had a whole floor to myself, and I could live up there if I wanted to. It had a living room area, a kitchen, a laundry room, two bathrooms, and three bedrooms. It was literally set up like a home in a mobile home park, only more spaced out.

I claimed the master bathroom as mine and unpacked all my makeup and shower stuff into it. I took a quick shower, got changed into my PJs, and went to my room, which happened to be attached to my bathroom, as most master bedrooms and bathrooms are. "Hey, you going to bed? It's a school night," Tony said.

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