Chapter 14

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By the time Peter woke up, we were stopped. He sat up with a groan. "Allie?" he asked.

"Hey sleepyhead," I said.

"Where are we?"

"Not sure. We stopped a little while ago."

"What if they hijacked the truck and took us to their secret lair?"

"I'm pretty sure that's not what happened. I'm pretty sure this truck took us wherever it was going in the first place."

"I'm betting on the secret lair. Stand back Al, I got this. Be ready for a fight."


Before I could finish my sentence, Peter burst through the door into the open. I calmly followed him out. "Suit Lady, where are we?" Peter asked.

"You are in Damage Control's underground storage facility. It is highly protected, and nearly impossible to escape," the AI said.

"Great. Just, great," I said.

"It's fine, I'll just try and pry the door open," Peter said.

"You're not gonna be able to," I said.

Peter wasn't listening to me. He jumped onto the giant cement door and started to try and force it open. After a few minutes, he gave up and dropped back down to the ground. "Well, looks like we're stuck," he said. "Hey Suit Lady, can we run a refresher course on the suit functions?"

"Of course," the AI said.

We sat through a refresher course for what seemed like forever. After that was over, Peter decided we needed to name the AI in our suits. "What about Liz?" he said.

"Like the girl I thought you liked until this morning?" I asked.

"Good point. Tammy, after your mom?"

"No, I want to make my own AI named Tammy."

"What about Karen, like the computer lady from Spongebob?"

"Yes! What do you think?"

"You can call me Karen," the AI said.

"Great. Hey Karen, how long has it been?" Peter asked.

"37 minutes," Karen said.

"You're kidding! We have to get out of here!" Peter said.

"Relax babe. It's already almost morning, there's no way that we'll find a way out in time to get to DC for championships anyway," I said.

As Peter continued to find a way out, I looked at some of the things in the truck we came in. I spotted something that looked like the glowing thing Peter had found, which was currently with Ned in DC. "Hey Karen, what exactly is this?" I asked.

"It's a Chitauri energy core. It is highly explosive," Karen said.

"Woah, it's a bomb?!"

"Not unless met with radiation."

"Uh, Peter, we have a problem!"

"Yeah, I heard!" Peter shouted back. "Bring me a calculator!"

I grabbed my calculator out of my bag and brought it up to Peter, who was perched by the door's override box. "In order to hack the override, we need a combination," I said.

"Yeah, I know. We're just gonna have to run every possible combination until we get the right one," Peter said as he hooked up the calculator.

"That could take all day!"

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