Chapter 8

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"Allie, where were you so late? It's 9:00," Tony asked when I walked past him in the living room.

"I went out to dinner with May and Peter. I brought home leftovers, I'm gonna put them in the fridge down here if you want some," I said.

"What is it?"

"Pad Krapow Moo Saap. May was craving Thai food."

"Ok. I don't want any right now, but my guest might."

I peeked into the living room. I saw Tony sitting across from someone I didn't recognize. "Uh, hello, my name is Allison Stark," I said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Jones, I'm working with Mr. Stark on a project," he said.

"Does this have something to do with the experiments trying to recreate what happened to Spider-Man?" I asked.

"How do you know about that?" Tony asked.

"Uh... I don't...." I said.

"Kitchen. Now," Tony said.

I followed Tony into the kitchen. "What?" I asked.

"Spill. How did you know?"

"Peter told me. I want to sign up for it."

"No. Definitely not."

"Why not? A person around the same age would be ideal, and I'm only three months older than Peter, literally. Plus, I'm willing to help people, no matter what. If this gives me the chance to do that...."

"It's dangerous!"

"You don't think I know that! I'm not stupid, you know! I know what the risk is, but I'm willing to take it!"


"I grew up my whole life listening to stories about Captain America and how he was willing to take the same risk I am! He was one of my heroes! He still is! I would do anything to be able to protect the people I love and the people I don't even know! I can't just sit back and watch stuff like Manhattan or Sokovia happen knowing I could make a difference!"

Silence. I went to walk away when Tony spoke up. "Fine. If you want to do it, I won't stop you. You might want to go talk to Dr. Jones about it."

I smiled and nodded. "Ok. Thank you Tony."

I walked out into the living room. "Dr. Jones? I have a question," I said.

"Yes?" he said.

"How do I volunteer for these experiments?"

"I can sign you up, but we would need to run some tests as soon as possible. Tomorrow, maybe?"

"Sounds good. I'm free from after school to 4:00. Maybe 3:00?"

"Ok. I will send Mr. Stark the details. I just have one more question."


"Why do you want to do this?"

"I don't like just sitting back and watching bad stuff happen. If I can make a difference, I want to. Even if it means putting myself at risk."

Dr. Jones nodded. "Have a good night Miss Stark. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, you too. See you tomorrow."

I went up to my room, changed, and went to bed very excited to have this opportunity. There was only one thing running through my head about it: what was Peter going to say?


My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark by Fall Out Boy rang through my room. After I got up and ready, Tony let me drive my car to school. "Ok, I'll see you later. Remember, I have to be at the lab at three and the DMV at four. They'll get me into the DMV ASAP, then I have to be here at the stadium at 5:30 for practice. I can drive myself, but you're going to have to find another way home because I'm going to have to come straight here from the DMV," I said.

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