Chapter 7

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The alarm of the day, Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time by Panic! at the Disco, rang through my room, startling Peter. I just calmly reached over, turned off the alarm, put on my glasses, and walked out to my kitchen.

I poured two bowls of cereal, stuck a spoon in each, and pushed one across the breakfast table to Peter. I hadn't said anything yet, since I don't really talk when I'm really tired. "Do you have any orange juice?" Peter asked.

I nodded, poured him a glass, and slid it to him. As we ate, Tony came upstairs in a surprisingly cheerful mood. "Good morning kids. How are you guys?" Tony asked.

I just nodded. Peter replied with, "Tired. We were out late for marching band last night."

Tony looked at me. "What about you, Allie?" he asked. I gave him a thumbs up and rinsed out Peter and I's bowls. "What, not talking to me?"

"She doesn't usually talk in the mornings when she's super tired. You learn cues," Peter said as he finished his orange juice.

I nodded and rinsed out his cup. Then Peter and I quickly got ready and went downstairs. "Tony, you giving us a ride?" I asked.

"Yeah. Do either of you have an objection to sports cars? Or convertibles?" Tony asked.

Peter and I looked at each other, looked back at Tony, and shook our heads in complete unison. "Let's go, we're going to be late," I said.

Tony nodded and led us to the garage. Inside there was an array of really nice cars, but there was one that caught my eye. "No way! A 1963 Corvette Stingray! I have always wanted one of these!" I said, running my hand over the hood.

"Wanna take it for a spin?" Tony asked, holding the keys up.

My mouth dropped open. "Uh, ok. Yeah, I have my permit. I'll drive," I said, grabbing the keys and getting in the driver's seat.

I threw my backpack at Peter. "Have you had any driving lessons yet?" Tony asked.

"Yes. I can get my license as soon as I turn sixteen," I said.

"Just don't crash," Peter said.

I started the car up. "I won't," I said with a smirk.

I pulled out of the garage and toward school. When I got to school, everyone watched me pull up and drop Peter off. "Hey, when do you turn sixteen?" Tony asked as we got out of the car.

"Tomorrow," I said.

He got in the driver's seat and smirked. "Then tomorrow you get a date at the DMV and these keys."

I smiled and nodded. "Thanks."

"No problem kid."

He pulled out of the parking lot, and I walked toward Peter and Ned, who were chatting a few feet away. "Ok, then we can work on it soon. Just the three of us," Peter said.

"What are we working on?" I asked.

"A giant Lego Death Star. What did your uncle want?" Ned asked.

"I'm taking my driving test tomorrow. And he's giving me the Stingray," I said.

"Really? He's giving you his 1963 Corvette Stingray?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. He has a lot of nice cars. I doubt he'll miss it," I said.

"Wow. You're becoming Flash," Ned said.

"I am nothing like Flash. How could you even say that?" I asked.

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