Prologue: Her Recurring Dream

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"Well, It seems I have an uninvited guest."

"Tell me, human, would you like it if I were to enter you home without a proper invitation?"

"Why are you shaking? You act as if you've never seen a dragon before."

"Then again, probably not, after all I am the last of my kind. It seems your kind feared us, and I am the only one left. I was able to avoid humanity's genocide against my species."

"Don't be frightened. I'm not the kind to hold one human accountable, for the atrocities, that her kind committed long ago."

"Mmm..You do smell divine. Don't worry, I meant that you are giving off a lovely fragrance. Beside, I've already had my dinner. Anyway, I rarely eat humans. You're not exactly the tastiest of morsels."

"Come closer my dear, I want to get a better look at you. There's no need to be afraid, I promise no harm shall come to you. A dragon's word is as good as his bond. Just let me see you better."

"My, my, aren't you the pretty one?"

"Tell me, my pretty human. Why would someone as lovely as you, be alone, and end up in my home on a night such as this?"

"You were hiking in the woods? By yourself? These woods are not the safest place for a woman to be alone. One never knows what dark creatures may be lurking."

"Oh I see, you were walking in the woods with your betrothed, and you had a fight."

"And he just let you wander off by yourself?"

"Forgive me, my pretty human. It seems that your lover isn't that bright. He obviously can't appreciate a woman of your beauty, nor does he seem to care about your well being."

"I see. Yes the thunderstorm did come on quite strong, and rather quickly. I suppose I cannot blame you for seeking shelter in my cave."

"What is your name, my pretty human? Ah a lovely name for a lovely girl. Sorry, I suppose that one is a bit of a cliché."

"Actually, I think the rain is getting worse. If I were to turn you away, I doubt you could survive the night."

"You my stay here tonight, my pretty human. After all, I would not be a very good host, if I sent you away on a night like this. Also, I would not be much of a gentleman either."

"But I warn you, pretty human, there is a price."

"No don't worry, even if I had a taste for human flesh, I would never harm a creature as lovely as you."

"As I said before, I am the last of my kind. That does get rather lonely. I would be honored if you could grant me the pleasure of your company. Well, among other things."

"Oh my dear, I think you know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Why would that surprise you? Why would I not want the same thing that any man would want, in the company of a beautiful woman?"

"Oh, I see, We're not the same species. A dragon's mind is not as limited as a human's. I can recognize true beauty in any form. It's been a long time for me, and you don't know how long I've dreamt of a creature as enchanting as you."

"Just the thought of running my fingers through your silky cascading hair, the touch of your soft yet delicate skin, your warm body pressed to mine, and even the taste of your luscious lips."

"Your wondering how? You see my pretty human, dragons are more that they appear. We are also immortal beings, capable of changing our form for short periods of time. I can take the form of anything I wish, or anything you wish."

"Perhaps that's why mankind feared us so. What he didn't understand, he just destroyed. That is why I must hide is these caverns. As long as no one uses a sharp weapon against me, I can live forever."

"Now, be a good girl, and close your eyes."

"Yes, I am entering your mind. I know your own thoughts before you do."

"Now, you may open them. Is this the form that pleases you?"

"Come here, my fair beauty! I have complete control of your mind, you cannot resist me even If you wanted to."

"Your Will belongs to me now, and you are mine to do with as I please."

"As I said before, my pretty human, my word is as good as my bond."

"I promised that you may stay here tonight, and I promised that no harm shall come to you.''

"But, I never promised I'd let you go."

"For you my love, are the perfect companion that I've been longing for all these years.  You are my perfect mate.  Any creature that stays by my side can share in my immortality."

"Oh, and I wouldn't worry about your boyfriend my dear. As I said, I already had my dinner. Unlike most humans he was rather, tasty."

"No, stop trying to struggle, don't try to run.  You cannot escape me. For you are in my arms, and I am In you mind."

"I shall never let you go."

"For you see my love, you are mine and mine alone. You my pretty human, are mine forever."


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