Chapter Five: Physician Heal Thy Heart

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Elisabeth began getting ready for her date with Constantine. Date? What was she thinking? She had just ended her relationship with Josh. Was this really the best time to start seeing another man? She was devastated, another man's company should have been the last thing on her mind. Besides, he said it was for rehabilitation of her ankle, he never said it was a date.

Getting involved would be a bad idea. Not only was she mourning the loss of her relationship, but nothing could ever come of seeing Constantine. He would never leave his world, and she had no interest in being in his. Yet she still wanted to look her best. Maybe it was because he was handsome, or even his dangerous charm, but he seemed to have an alluring presence. It was as if he had some hold on her.

The guest cottage seemed to be the only place in the village with any sort of modern conveniences.  At least it had a bathroom, and actual running water.  The shower felt wonderful.  It was the first time she had felt clean since she found herself in the strange village.  She then got dressed, and did her makeup in the most natural way possible.

"Less is more.", she thought.  Soon there was a knock at the door.  Elisabeth opened and saw Elaga standing there.

"Miss, the healer is here.", said Elaga, "May I let him in?"

"Yes.", she replied, "But please call me Elisabeth." 

"If that is your wish, my dear.", Elaga replied, as she then turned around, "Sir, she said that you may come in now."

Constantine appeared looking handsome as ever.  His smile was as beautiful as his eyes.  Until now, Elisabeth had always considered Josh extremely good looking.  But Josh didn't even compare to Constantine.

"How's my favorite patient today?", he asked.

"I'm doing much better, thank you.", she replied.

"I see you've enhanced your face.", he said with a smile, "I'm just glad your not the type to over do it.  you look beautiful."

"Th-Thank you.", she replied while blushing, I see you brought a basket of food.

"Yes, I hope you like what I brought.", he said, "I hope you won't be disappointed, but I'm a vegetarian.  I never really had a taste for meat.  The rare times I had it, it was only out of necessity."

"That's fine.", she replied, "I'm sure whatever it is will delicious.  So, what did you bring, and where are we going?"  He just smiled at her.

"Both of those my dear, are a surprise.", he said while extending his arm, "Shall we?"  She smiled and glad took it.  whatever kind of man he was, he was definitely an old fashioned gentleman.

"I hope you two have a nice time.", said Elaga.

"Thank you, Elaga.", said Constantine, "I'm sure we will." As Elisabeth looked at Elaga, she couldn't help but notice an almost sad look upon the woman's face.  Maybe she has a daughter, and was hoping Constantine would want her daughter.

The two of them walked arm, and arm, around the village.  It was strange, as if they were still living in Midlevel times.  Everyone just stared at them.  There were a few men, but most of the villagers were young attractive women.  Elisabeth began to wonder how many of them, Constantine may have been involved with. 

Maybe that's why they were staring.  Either through jealousy, or that he had charmed them the same way.  Whatever it was, it was making her uncomfortable.  Constantine must have noticed.

"Pay no attention to them, my dear.", he said, " They're just not used to outsiders."  He then turned his attention to the villagers.

"I suppose some have forgotten that it is rude to stare at others!", he exclaimed in anger.  They immediately stopped looking at the two of them, and went on with their daily routines.

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