Chapter Thirteen: Where True Monsters Come From

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While rubbing her pregnant belly, Elsbeth couldn't help but smile. She always wanted to have children. When she was betrothed to Addrick, she feared he could be an abusive father. However she knew that Constantine was going to be a wonderful one. She then began to cradle her own protruding belly.

"Soon my little angel.", she said lovingly, "It took your father a long time to figure out how I could safely carry you. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms. Although I will let you in on a little secret. I kind of like the fact that I have you all to myself. It's a special experience only I can share with you. You have your father's cognitive ability. It's comforting to know that we already know one another's thoughts. I may be the first human to ever communicate with her unborn child. You'll have memories of me, even before you are born."

Elsbeth had missed her mother so much. It had been ten years since Constantine had taken her from the castle. Ten years since he kept her from marrying a true monster. The only thing that she missed was her mother. If her father had known the truth, he would have come looking for her. If he had brought his army, they might have killed Constantine. So, they had kept the truth about her fate a secret.

But now she was with child, and she knew her mother would want to know. She, and Constantine, had decided that it was time to let the queen know the truth. She sent a secret message to her mother. Constantine was to deliver it, and then bring the queen back here. The king was on a diplomatic mission. Now was the perfect time. Hopefully the queen would listen to Constantine, and not fear him. Her letter had explained everything. Elsbeth knew how much her mother loved her. Not matter what a dragon/human hybrids looked like. It was a part of Elsbeth, therefore it was apart of her mother. However, she knew that her father would never accept their children.

It was then that she heard someone enter the cave. It had to have been Constantine, with her mother. She was smiling ear to ear. She ran to the entrance. She couldn't wait to greet her mother. However her expression went from happiness, to surprise. Someone else standing there.

"Father!", she cried. He looked at her, and tears began to well up in his eyes. He couldn't believe it, she was alive. They both just stared at each other for awhile. She saw the scar that Constantine had left her father's face. It has also caused permanent damage to his right eye.

"Elsbeth!", he cried, "My beautiful daughter is still alive! I thought the monster had eaten you. I'm sorry you've been imprisoned here for ten years. If I had know, I would have rescued you years ago. I thought you were dead, and I didn't know how to find this beast that captured you, killed your betrothed, and gave me this permanent scar. But you haven't aged a day. After ten years why haven't you aged?" He walked over to get a better look at her. That's when he realized that she was pregnant. His expression had quickly gone from joy, to confusion, and now anger.

"Father I..., "Elsbeth began. But out of anger he interrupted her.

"You're with child?", he asked angrily, "Who's the father!?" Elsbeth said nothing, and looked away.

"ANSWER ME!", he demanded.

"Constantine.", she replied, as she looked back at him.

"And who is Constantine?", he asked. She could see burning rage within her father's eyes.

"Constantine is the name I gave my dragon, after he chose me to be his mate.", she told him. The kings eyes widened in both anger, and disbelief.

"I have mourned you for ten years!", he exclaimed, "For ten agonizing years, I thought an unholy beast had killed my daughter. The very same beast who killed Addrick right before my very eyes, and did this to me!" He then pointed to the scar on his face.

"Father listen to me!", she cried, but he interrupted her again.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say!", he yelled, "You let a demon enchant you, use evil magic to keep you young, and then let it fill you with it's demon seed. And then you had the nerve to name it after a guardian angel!"

"No father!", she cried, "It was Addrick, not Constantine who was the demon. Two nights before our wedding, I walked in on Addrick. It was my bed chamber. There he was, raping one of my hand maidens! He called me a interloping bitch, and then punched me in the stomach! As I fell to the ground, he yelled at me for spying of him! Then he kept kicking me! He said it was the only way to learn to behave as a good wife. Then I told you. Do you remember you response? You told me just to learn not to anger him! I'm your daughter, but you sided with him. Why? He beat me so bad, I had trouble standing up! My stomach was covered in bruises. That's why Constantine killed him, he was avenging me. You sure as hell didn't!"

"OH YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER!", he cried, "She too had to learn her place. My mother learned her place ! It's not that difficult! A queen has the easiest life, but she must obey her king. Every wife needs to obey her husband! "

"Father?", asked a horrified Elsbeth, "Were you cruel to mother?'"

"Cruel!?", he asked, "I gave her everything any woman could ever want! All I asked her for, in return, was my much deserved respect. My father taught my mother as well. I had to break your mother, like a horse, but she finally learned her place! At least she didn't succumb, to a creature from hell itself!  Nor did she send said creature to seek revenge!"

"Father!", she cried, "I didn't send him after you, or Addrick. He did it for me, for his chosen mate!  If you hadn't locked me in my bed chamber that night, I would've gotten away from him!  I like you, thought he was a demon!  But I was wrong, and eventually we taught one another how to truly love!  Maybe he kidnapped me, but he never physically hurt me! He has been a kind husband, a caring lover, and he will be an amazing father!"  The king became even angrier.  Even though he had apparently been a horrible husband, he had been a loving father.  So to her surprise, he had backhanded her.  He struck her with such force, that she fell to the ground. She looked up at him in both fear, and disbelief.

"So! I came her looking for the dragon who killed my daughter!", he exclaimed, "BUT INSTEAD I FIND A DRAGON'S WHORE!" He then pulled out a dagger from it's sheath.

"Stop! What are you doing!", she cried, "Despite everything, I still love you father!  Please, I'm with child!  If it's a part of me, then it's a part of you!  It's your grandchild, part of your royal blood!"

"That thing!  Growing inside of you is neither a baby, nor my grandchild!", he exclaimed, "If you think I'm going to let some ungodly abomination, some beastly parasite, sit on my throne.  Then as my daughter you really are dead to me! As far as I'm concerned, my daughter died the night that foul creature snatched her from my castle!" He then had his arm raise, with the dagger pointing down at her. Her now teary eyes widened. In both shock, and horror, it took her a while to process just what was happening. She was unable to react before the blade came down upon her.

"FATHER! NO!", cried Elisabeth, as she awoke from her nightmare. Startled, she could see and feel the dagger going into her abdomen. Sitting up immediately, she placed her hands on the area where the blade had been thrust into her body. She looked around, and saw that she was in the bedroom of the guest cottage. Constantine was gone. He must have woken up earlier in the morning, and then left. Elisabeth was just dumbfounded. The dream didn't seem as real as the one she had earlier. But she could feel the dagger going into her body.

'"Why do I keep having strange dreams about a princess named Elsbeth?", she wondered, "The strange part is how coherent they are. It's almost as if these dreams are telling a story. I've had them every night since I've arrived. What do they mean?"


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