Chapter Twelve: The Truth Can Hurt Sometimes

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Josh slowly began waking up. To his delight, there was a beautiful naked woman sleeping with her arms wrapped around him. Then it dawned on him who she was. Out of anger, he jerked his body away from her. This immediately woke her up. She just looked at him and smiled.

"Well good morning, just Josh, said Katherine, "How did my darling husband sleep last night?" He began to get angry.

"Please don't call me that.", he demanded coldly. She gave him a confused stare.

"What do you not want to be called?", she asked, "Husband, or just Josh?"

"Both!", he exclaimed. He was now even angrier. She got out of bed, and just stared at him,and sighed. She then went to put on her robe. As she did so, he noticed a large tattoo on her back. It looked like a pair of angel's wings.

"You know, you really shouldn't talk to me in that tone.", she told him, "Neither father, nor grandmother tolerate disrespect towards women. Like it or not you are my husband. I call you just Josh, because it was the pet names we had established for one another. Likewise you called me just Katherine."

"Okay, just Katherine!", he yelled, "Can you release me from my damn shackles!? I have to go take a just piss!" She the just looked at him, and handed him a urinal. Now he was furious.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!", he yelled, and threw in on the floor. She then just picked it, and handed it back to him.

"You're lucky I was here when you did that.", she responded calmly, "Otherwise you would have no way of, as you said, taking a piss. Then you'd wet the bed."

"You can't keep me chained to this bed like an animal my whole life!", he yelled.

"I know.", she replied, "But my mother has just returned from a long journey. She needs to readjust to her old ways of living her life. She has been part of your world for far too long, and father doesn't want anyone upsetting her. That includes an ungrateful son-in-law. That's the only reason you're here, instead of home with me. But there is a welcome home party for her tonight. That is when you will meet her, and the rest of my family. Then you will come home with me."

"Lady, I'm not going anywhere with you!", he exclaimed. She just shook her head.

"So defiant.", she replied, "You will learn, you'll see. You and, I are meant to be together. If we weren't, I wouldn't have chosen you to be the father of my baby. Our child is growing inside of me as we speak. Tell me, do you ever wonder why you make so many promises to women that you can't keep. I mean you were betrothed to a girl named Elisabeth, while promising to eventually be betrothed to a girl named Melinda." His eyes became wide, he was completely shocked.

"How the hell did you know that?", he asked. She just smiled.

"I've been in your mind, I know a lot about you.", she told him, "Tell me, did this Elisabeth know about Jessica. The one you were betrothed to when you started dating Elisabeth? Of course I already know the answer. In fact Elizabeth is the third girl you bought an engagement ring for. Now why is that, hmm? It's because you've been searching for that certain someone. You wanted it so much, you've convinced yourself that you've fallen in love. All the while lying to your lovers, and yourself. So when you realize that you made a mistake, you purposely fuck it up. Well your search is over just Josh. I am your soulmate, I am the one you've been searching for. I knew it as soon as you walked into that tavern. Do you know that I had been sitting tavern, every night for almost a year, waiting for you. I was starting to give up hope. then you finally walked in, and knew it was you."

"What are talking about?", he asked, You can't just look at someone and know that. How could you think that was possible?"

"Well that's how my sisters found their husbands.", she replied, "All of their lives, they dreamed about what their future husbands looked like, and where they would meet them. Ever since I can remember, I've dreamt about you Josh. I even dreamt about how we would meet at that very tavern. When I was younger, your arrogance bothered me. But as I got older, and the dream continued. I realized you were just a scared little boy, longing for his one true love. Well I'm here Josh." He was just stunned.

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