Chapter Eight: Be Careful What You Wish For

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Josh had been on the hike for five days now.  Why did he get stuck doing this?  It was what she wanted. Now she's probably back home, in Philadelphia.  He's the one stuck walking on this lonely path, with no one to talk to. He called her cellphone fifty times, but he though he would try once more.

"Hey! It's Elizabeth, you know the rest!", her voice mail stated.

"Elizabeth!", he said, "Look I know you're still mad at me, I don't blame you.  But it's really immature of you to not return my messages.  Maybe we can talk when I get home."

"Great!", he thought, "She's relaxing back home, and I'm stuck on this stupid trail.  I didn't even want to do this.  I've spent thousands of dollars on this damn trip, and I'm not even enjoying it.  She'd better damn well forgive me!"  He then came to a little town, and noticed a quaint tavern.

"God I need a drink!", he thought.  He entered the pub, and sat down at the bar.  It was a small place, but seemed lively.  He couldn't help but notice a beautiful woman, sitting by herself.  She had raven black hair, and the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen.

"What will you have?", asked the bartender.

"Um, just a Guinness."Josh replied, "By the way, see that lovely dark haired woman over there.  Perhaps she'd let me offer to buy her a drink."

"You could try.", the bartender replied, "But she comes in here almost every night.  Most men try and talk to her, but she always shoots them down."

"Really?", said Josh, "Do you know who she is?"

"No.", replied the bartender, "She never talks to anyone. I think she's from one of the local villages.  She never even orders anything. Normally, I would probably ask her to leave.  She takes valuable table space, but she's good for business.  Men want to come in here just to look at her.  I guess when you look like that, you can get away with almost anything.  By the way, are you staying in town tonight?"

"Well, actually I have a reservation at an Inn, ten miles down the trail.", said Josh, "Why do you ask?"

"I suggest you get there by nightfall.", the bartender responded, "A lot of young men along this trail, especially tourists, have gone missing after dark in the last three years."

"Well, in that case.", said Josh, "Maybe I should find a warm bed some place here tonight."  He then made his way over to the beautiful young woman. Presumptuously, he sat down at the same table. She just gave him an odd look.

"I'm sorry.", she said, "Did I give you permission to sit down with me, or had I just forgot?"

"I think you you forgot.", he replied with a smile.

"I heard you Yanks could be incorrigible.", she responded, "Or are you Canadian?"

"I am as incorrigibly American as they come.", he replied. She folded her arms, and gave him a smirk.

"Are all American men as charming as you?", she asked.  He then smiled back.

"Nope.", he replied, "And their not as good looking either.  Now I've only been in Ireland a few days. So I can't really compare you with other Irish lasses. But you're a hell of a lot prettier than most American women."  She let out a slight chuckle.

"You know you're almost a s handsome, as you are arrogant.", she replied with a smile, "At least your not coming at me with a line of bullshit.  My name is Katherine, by the way."  She then extended her hand.  He shook her hand, and returned the smiled.

"Katherine what?", he asked.

"Just Katherine.', she replied, "That's all you need to know, for now."

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