Chapter Three: Echos

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"Damn!", thought Elisabeth, "If I had know, I would have applied make-up.  Wait?  What am I thinking?

"Hello.", she said, "My name is Elisabeth."

"That's a lovely name, it suits a you.", he replied with a smile, "Pardon me, hope that wasn't too much of a clique?"

"Um, no.", she replied, with a confused look upon her face.

"Is ther something wrong?", he asked 

"No.", replied Elisabeth, "Iguess-I guess I've just heard that one before."

"Well, none the less.", he replied, "Your name does suit you.  How are you feeling today, Elisabeth?"

"Okay, I guess.", she replied, "Except I just found out  that I've been unconscious for two days, my ankle hurts, and I have no idea where I am.

"Yes.", he replied, "This town is a little isolated.  We don't get a lot of visitors, and never as charming as you."  He then took her hand, kissed the back of it.

"Oh my God!", thought Elisabeth, "This guy is really laying it on thick."  Of course she was blushing the whole time.

"Excuse me sir.", she said, "Why was I brought here?  Shouldn't I be in a hospital?"

"Constantine.", he said while smiling, "Let's just say it's a lot easier to get down the ravine, than to go back up.  Where a simple community, I guess you could say similar to Amish.  Although, maybe not as morally strict.  We just like to live off of the land.  We really don't have much contact, with the outside world.  This is just how our families have lived for generations.  Father Francis found you, and then he brought me to you.  I carried you here."

"Wait!  You carried me?", she asked, "Wasn't that kind of far?  Also, I'm sure you're a very good healer, but you can seriously injure an unconscious person by moving them.  No offense, but I think I would like to see a doctor."

"Don't worry, my dear.", he replied, "I assure you.  I took every necessary precaution.  I didn't have a choice.  A bad storm was coming.  I couldn't just leave you there, waiting for some kind of medical transport.  Where we are located, it can take a day to get back to a main road.  Had we left you there, to get help, I doubt you would've survived the night."

"Um, I"m sorry.", she replied, feeling a since of deja vou,  "You know what, never mind what I was about to say.  Um, don't you have a phone?"

"As I told you before, we live a simple life.", he said, "Don't worry.  I promise, you are getting best care.   Now, why don't you let me look at that ankle?"

Feeling that all of her questions were just goiong to continue to be evaded, Elisabeth complied.  Constantine moved a chair, to the right side of the bed.  He then began to examine her ankle.  He gently took her right leg, and began to massage the ankle. As he did so, he kept staring into her eyes.  God, did he have beautiful eyes. 

It was almost as if Elisabeth was becoming entranced.  His touch was gentle, and sensual.  He looked at her with an alluring smile.  His hands then slowly made their way up her calf.  Somehow, this didn't seem right to her.  However, at the same time, she didn't care.  The more he continued, the more aroused she came.  Did he know he was affecting her way?  To her disappointment, he then stopped.

"Well?", he asked, How does your ankle feel now?"

"Actually, it does feel a lot better.", she replied.

"Well, why don't you try walking of it.", he said.  He then helped her out of the bed.  To her astonishment, the pain was completely gone.

"How did you do that?', she asked.  He just smiled at her.

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