Chapter Seven: A Rose By Any Other Name

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Time had past, and the princess's feelings for the dragon had deepened. As he said she would, she began craving his touch. True, some of it had to do with the fact that he could manipulate her mind. Sometimes she didn't know what feeling or thoughts, were hers, or which one he had implanted. But he was also kinder, and more gentle than any human male had ever been to her. At least, in a genuine way. He saw her as a woman, and not a princess. Though he did grow to worship her, as any true lover would.

On warm summer nights, he would take her flying. He would hold her firmly, but gently in his massive talons. It was frightening, but exhilarating at the same time. She also knew that she was the only human to ever soar like that. The princess was no longer afraid of his dragon form. Although, she definitely still appreciated his human form. It was very aesthetically pleasing to her, and he knew how to use it well.

However, she also began to see the beauty in his true form. In fact they only slept in the bed, when they made love. When they didn't, he would stay in his dragon's form. She felt safe, and warm sleeping while coiled in his tail. But every now, and then, he preferred his human form. It was the only way he could feel her, when he touched her. The scales were like armor. There were no nerve endings. Except for the tail, the scales were normally felt unpleasant to human skin.

In the past, pairs of shape shifters tried to have intercourse, together in human form. However it just never worked. Dragons needed to touch actual human skin, to imitate the actual feeling of it. It just wasn't the same when they tried it on one another. That seemed to be the reasons why dragons didn't know the feeling of love.

"Come here, human.", said the dragon, who was in his human form.

"Why do you call me that?", she asked him.

"That's what you're called, isn't it?", he laughed.

"But I have a name.", she replied. He just looked at he with a furrowed brow.

"I never understood why humans always feel the need to name everything.", he told her, "What makes one think that they're so important, that they need their own name?"

"Because we are individuals.", she replied, "We are unique, and there are many of us." Again he just laughed.

"So is a snowflake, a rose, or a even a speck of dust.", he responded, "Each one of those is also unique, and individual. There are also a lot of them."

"But they are inanimate objects.", she replied.

"Unless an animal is a pet, it does not have a name of it's own.", he told her, "You are not a pet, you are my mate. We are also the only ones here. Using your name would be pointless. Now, please com here, my pretty human." He smiled at her. She walked over to him, and took her hand. He then led her to the cavern that contained all of the treasure. He grabbed a tiara, and placed it on her head. He then looked at her, and smiled.

"Beautiful! Now you truly are my queen.", he told her, "All that I havre is yours."

"Why does a dragon need so much treasure?', she asked, "It has no monetary value to you."

"Because humans value it so much, even over their own lives.", he told her, "True it's pretty , but it's cold. Yet it means so much humans. The more they have, the more powerful they become. Since man feared dragons, they left treasures as tributes. Since we left man alone, for the most part, man thought we wanted his shiny cold trinkets. They assumed that's why we didn't attack. Unless we wanted to share the company of a human's bed, we really didn't want much to do with humans. Perhaps it's just a reminder, of man's misplaced values. Either way, I'm happy to share it with you. I love you, my mate." He smiled at her, and then lovingly embraced her."

"So, I am the first human you've ever loved?', she asked.

"You are the first of anything to have ever been loved by any dragon.", he explained.

"Did dragons not love their fellow dragon mates", she asked.

"It was rare for a dragon to take a mate.", he explained, "Taking a mate is not decision, that one takes lightly. Once a dragon takes a mate, they are bonded for all eternity. They can never have relations with another dragon, or humans. Even death itself, cannot break the bond. The two mates will eventually always be reunited. A restless soul will alway eventually make it's way back."

"How is that not love?'", she asked.

"When a dragon needed to take a mate.", he replied, "It was a need to have a partnership. It's not easy being immortal beings. It can get rather lonely. Even when there was thousands of us, so often we felt alone. It's comforting to know that you will have a special eternal bond. Also, only mated dragons are able to reproduce. But, as I said before, there was no love making in a dragon's reproduction. We preferred shift shaping, in to human form. Human skin can feel a sensual touch, that scales cannot. They are like armor. When I wasn't the last, I had no desire to take a mate. I had my dalliances with female dragons, and humans alike. The night I found you, I was not looking for a mate. I didn't even know I had a desire to have one, not until I saw you. I was not only wanting to make an eternal bond with you, I wanted to fall in love with you. Now, I have." He then smiled, and gently stroked her cheek.

"I want you to make love to me.", she told him. He then smiled at her, and leaned in for a kiss. But she held her hand up, and blocked his lips from touching hers. He looked at her with confusion.

"No.",she said. "I want, you, to make love to me. The real you, the being I fell in love with. I know it's selfish of me to ask, since you won't be able to feel anything. But, I want to fell your real touch."

"What your asking is impossible.", he told her, "I'm so much bigger than you."

"If you can shrink down to my size in human form?", she asked, "Why can't you shrink down, but stay in dragon form?"

"I suppose I could.", he replied, "If that's what you wish, Is there anything you desire?"

"Yes.", she replied, "I want you to call me by my name." He just gave her an odd look.

"Is it really that important to you?", he asked.

"Yes.", she replied, "And it isn't any more pointless than a dragon hoarding something, that is worthless to him."

"I suppose you're right about that.", he responded, "Very well, then I shall have a name too. But I want you to give it to me."

"Okay.", she told him

"But on one condition.", he said, "I wanted us officially bonded for all eternity. If I pledge my soul to you, will you pledge your soul to me? It would be the same, as taking vows, for a human marriage."

"Of course", she said smiling, "You saved me from a cruel monster, your my guardian angel. I have the perfect name for you." They wrapped their arms around one another, in a loving embrace, and looked deeply to one another's eyes.

"Do you promise to pledge your soul to me, if I pledge my soul to you?", he asked.

"Yes", she replied, with joyful tears in her eyes. He also smiled, as tears welled up in his eyes.

"As a human, do you promise to except my gift of immortality?", he asked, "And if either one of us should die, shall we promise to find away back to one another, even if it means our souls being reborn just to be reunited?"

"Yes", she told him. With that, they shared a passionate kiss.

"Well, since this is now our honeymoon, you did promise to make love to me in your true form.", she said with a smile.

"I guess I did.", he replied, "Very well. I love you Elsbeth!"

"I love you too! Constantine!"


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