Chapter Twenty: Revelations

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"Now my dear, do you understand why you are so important to us?", asked Constantine. Elisabeth just closed her eyes, she didn't even know how to respond. The memories were flooding back to her. She wasn't even sure who she was anymore.  Tears began streaming through her clinched eyes.

""What happened to Josh!?", she demanded.

"Father", she heard a young woman cry, "Is this her, is it really her? She's just as beautiful as I remember!" The young woman ran up to Elisabeth.  Slowly Elisabeth began to open her eyes. There standing in front of her was an extremely beautiful woman, about the same age as Elisabeth. A raven haired woman, with deep blue eyes, was now face to face with Elisabeth. The woman was smiling, and had joyful tears in her eyes.  She then gave Elisabeth a loving embrace. Elisabeth had a puzzled look upon her face.

"I know you.", said Elisabeth, "How, how could I possibly know you?  I've never seen you've before."

"I was the last one you carried.", the young woman replied, "You used to communicate with me when I was in your womb. We shared dreams, and realities. I was able to show you what I would eventually look like."  Constantine then walked over to join them.

"Elisabeth.", said Constantine, "This is Katherine, our daughter. In fact all the women, with the exception of Elaga, are our daughters."

"No.", said a stunned Elisabeth, "That's impossible. You can't be their father, you look like you're at least only ten years older than them. And I, I think, we are all practically the same age.  Plus I've never been pregnant, or given birth."  Constantine gently grasped Elisabeth's chin, and moved her head so that she was know face him. He looked into her eyes. He gave her a loving smile.

"Elisabeth, I am over ten thousand years old.", he told her, "I just look very good for my age. Katherine and her sister's , on the other hand, are exactly the same age as you.  They are mine, and Elsbeth's daughters. You are the reincarnated soul of Elsbeth. You even look the same. Since they are Elsbeth's daughter's, they are your daughters. Our daughters."

"I don't believe you.", said Elisabeth.  Constantine just looked at her, and smiled.

"Elaga?", Constantine asked, while still focused on Elisabeth, "When did we awaken, and when did the eggs start to hatch?"

"The tenth of June, nineteen hundred and ninety two.", replied Elaga, "The time was time was 2:34 AM."

"Do you know your date, and time of your birth?", asked Constantine.  Elisabeth was completely taken a back by this.

"June the ninth, nineteen hundred and ninety two.", replied Elisabeth, "According to my birth certificate, I was born at 10:34 PM."

"You do realize that your passport, and driver's license only states your birthday?", asked Constantine, "They do not list your time of birth. So we couldn't have gotten the information by going through you bag.  Also we are currently in a time zone five hours ahead of Philadelphia."  Elisabeth just felt more confused, and tears welled up her eyes.

"Please!", she cried, "I can't take anymore.  Please just tell me where Josh is."

"Very well mother.", said Katherine, "Let me introduce to my new husband, and father of my unborn child."  Katherine then turned to look behind her, and motioned for someone to step forward. As he did, Elisabeth couldn't believe it.

"Oh my God!", she cried, "Josh!"

Greg, and Anna, had flown from Philadelphia to Dublin. They were determined to find their daughter. Wanting to retrace Josh, and Elisabeth's steps, they went the town, and stayed at the Inn that the couple stayed at before they began their journey.

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