Epilogue: A New Kingdom

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Constantine flew his new bride towards a mountain. It was his home, the same one he had shared with Elsbeth long ago. As they entered the cavern. He morphed back in to his human form. He gently took Elisabeth's hand, and lead her to the bed.

"So how does it feel to be my Queen?", he asked while smiling. She just gave him a confused look. 

"Why do you keep referring to us as King, and Queen?', she asked, "Are you saying that you're a king, because you once married a Princess?"  He just laughed.

"No my love.", he said as he gently stroked her cheek. That Kingdom ceased to exist centuries ago."

"Then why...?", she began to ask. But he gently placed his index finger on her lips.

"Shh!.", he told her, "This is our wedding night. We can talk politics later." He walked behind her, as he began to slowly untie the back of her gown. He then started laying ravenous open mouth kisses along her neck.  She began to moan as the dress became loose. As it did begin to loosen even more, the dress slipped down to the floor.  With her breast now exposed, she was only wearing a pair of silk panties. Slowly he backed her into the cavern wall. He place her hands over her head, and smashed his mouth in to hers. His tongue aggressively going between her lips.  She did not fight him, and reciprocated his passion.

As he finished kissing her, he looked deep into her eyes. With an amorous smile, he leaned into her. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. He then whispered in her ear.

"Your mine forever, Elisabeth!"  With that he placed his tongue inside if her ear. Her body felt like jelly, as the pleasure was almost too much for her to handle. She then began to moan passionately. Whatever he was, he knew how to please her.  This made her decision to stay with him even easier. As he finished, he looked into her eye. He flashed her a devilish smile, as he scooped her up into his arms.  He carried her to the bed, and looked at her with love in his eyes.  Gently he laid her down, and crawled on top of her.  He place both of his hands on her face, and began to caress her delicate features. He then looked deep into her eyes.

"I Love you Elisabeth.", he told her, "I always have, and I always will. I know that it will take a while, for you to feel that way about me again. I'll have to earn that back. But I don't want to hear you say it until you mean it.  Does this form please you?"

"Yes.", she replied, "Why do you ask?"

"I wanted Elsbeth to trust me.", he began to explained, "I made this human form permanent. I wanted her know that I would not try to fool her again."

"It's fine.", she replied, "You're very handsome.  I thought so ever since I first saw you.  Please Constantine, if this is going to work you need to be honest with me. Why was it so important to you to impregnate me?"  He just looked at her, and smiled.

"To save humanity.", he replied. She just stared at him with confusion.

"What, what are talking about?", she asked. He could see fear in her eyes.

"Don't worry, my love.", he told her, "It's going to be for the best. Like I said, I was aware of everything going on while I slept for half a century.  I never cared for males, human or dragon. Both could be quite vicious. However, I am the only full dragon left in the world. There are more than billions of human men. Since he first stepped foot on this Earth, man has solely been in charge. I always hoped things would get better. They haven't. Wars, slavery, geniocide, it's gotten worse. Look what happened to Josh's own mother. Mankind has failed. The Earth is nothing more than a time bomb.   I won't let it go off. We are at a cusp, the dawn of a new era. One where superior beings will finally be in control. Between you, our daughters, and soon our sons. We will create a new breed of human/dragon hybrids."  Elisabeth eyes grew wide, she became terrified by what he was saying.

"Are, are you saying you want to rule the world?", she asked as her voice trembled. He just looked at her, and smiled.

"No my dear.", he told her, "I want us to rule world. That is why your going to be my Queen.  After our village sufficiently multiplies, we will blend into different societies. Powerful individuals that are immortal. If I was able to watch your parents through there modern, just imagine what thousands of us can do?"  Elisabeth couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"This is insane!", she cried, "Please, I don't want to be a part of this. Elsbeth wouldn't either!"

"You're already a part of it my dear, and Elsbeth didn't live to see what the world has become.", he told her, "You are carrying the first hybrid male, the one you called Benjamin."

"You want to breed me, to conquer the world?", she asked in horror, "Do you understand how crazy that sounds?  Do the others know."

"It took them a while to get on board.", he told her, "Even my own daughters needed some convincing. Katherine was the last one to realize why we have to do this. It wasn't until she met Josh, and learned about his mother. That's when she realized it was necessary."

"Please don't do this!", she begged, "You hate violence, you hate killing." He looked at her puzzled, but soon began to chuckle.

"You're thinking like a human.", he said with a smile, "There will be no violence or killing. We aren't going to take control through intimidation. We will do it through love. Between, love, kindness, and the ability to control a human's free will. Humanity will never realize that it is happening.  Then eventually, every living person on Earth will have some form of dragon DNA. But if mankind decides to destroy itself, by use of his own extreme forms of weapons, our community will be safe. Then when it is over, we will love and care for the survivors. I'm hoping it's not the latter, but mankind can be an arrogant beast. Now you know why I wanted bring your parents here. I want to make sure they'll be safe. But hopefully we will be in charge before man does anything catastrophic."

Elisabeth said nothing, she was just too shocked to even speak. What had she gotten herself into?  Constantine than kissed her on her forehead.  He then gave her a loving smile.

"Now you understand how important you really are.", he told her, I suppose a part of me, will always think of you as my Elsbeth. Don't worry, I know you are actually Elisabeth."  He then lean over, and whispered in her ear.

"But to the rest of the world, my Queen. You will be simply known as Eve..."

The End

Author's Notes

Hey guys!!!  I hope you enjoyed the story. Sadly its come to an end. I know a couple of you wanted the Constantine character to die, and have Elisabeth escape. 🤞😁 So, I hope the ending didn't ruin the story for anyone. I just like dark endings that no one sees coming. (Or, I at least like to think that no one sees coming.  Hoping this one isn't a bit too cliche.) The truth is that I had already decided on that ending sentence, even before I even started writing.

A special shout out to faithful readers:

Charmewolf, OhNo_ It's_Retarded, and CharrisaHollowell, thank you for all of your support. ♥️ 😊

My next story will be a sequel to "The Ghosts Of Winworth Manor", entitled "The Curse Of Winworth Manor". Hopefully I will be starting that soon!!!

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