Chapter Ninteen: Roots And Wings

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"Please!  Tell me what happened to Josh", cried Elisabeth.

"I haven't done anything with Josh.", replied Constantine, "He took you for granted.  Josh didn't deserve you.  However, I didn't eat him. He 's alive. I ate Addrick, because he hurt Elsbeth, he hurt you. That's why I mentioned eating a betrothed in the dream. When I was communicating with you, both of your life experiences intertwined.  You're mine Elisabeth, but I would never harm anyone out of jealousy. I don't like killing, I only do it when I feel it is necessary. Josh was unfaithful to you, but that didn't warrant my wrath. I will tell where he is, but you need to know more about who you really are, and what you mean to all of us."

"Please grab the blanket form off of the bed", Constantine told the queen, "We haven't much time" The queen got up, and ran over the bed. Constantine looked down at was left of Elsbeth, but he didn't have time to mourn her. He had to save his daughter.  As difficult as it was for film, he reached into Elsbeth's body. The Queen came back with the blanket. She was shocked by what was being pulled out of her daughter's body.

"Is that an egg?", she asked.

"Yes.", he replied, If she had given birth to a dragon, like a human woman, it would have killed them both.  I had to strengthen the egg.  She only carried it for three months. It took me a while, but I figured out how to let the egg last longer in her body. Eventually the egg will hatch, and a hybrid will be born. Hurry!  we must get it wrapped in the blanket before the hatchling starts to get cold!  If she does, she'll die!"  The Queen got down next to Constantine, and held out the blanket. They both knew that if the hatchling died, Elsbeth'd death would have been meaningless.  He placed the egg in the blanket, and then gently wrapped the blanket around it. 

"We have to get it to the rookery.", he told her.  Her then placed the blanketed egg into the Queens arms.  The Queen began to cry.

"It just dawned on me.", she said, "I'm holding my granddaughter.  I don't care what she turns out to be.  She will be as beautiful as her mother."  Constantine looked at her. He had tears in his eyes. Watching the Queen lovingly cradle the egg, would have more than pleased Elsbeth.

"They all will.", he told her. All of a sudden the queens eyes widened, she was surprised by what he just said.

"All?", she asked.  He just looked at her, and smiled.

"Come with me.", he told her.  He then led her to another part of the cavern. The area was warm, and humid. There were nests with nineteen eggs resting in them.

"These all came from Elsbeth?", asked the queen.

"Yes.", he told her, "We started conceiving five years ago."  He placed the new egg in it's own nest.  He then began chanting in Latin. It was a spell that he cast to heal the hatchling inside of the egg.

"How is she?", asked the Queen.

"She going to be fine.", replied Constantine with a smile, "I can since her life force."

"Some of these eggs have been sitting here for five years?", she asked.

"Yes.", he replied,  "We wanted to start with twenty females. Dragons, like alligators, can choose the sex of their children. We hoped to pass on the dragon's gene. I am the last dragon. If I die, dragons will became extinct. A full dragon can no longer be conceived. But at least the gene can continue. Most of the eggs are in stasis. We wanted them all to hatch at the same time. That way they would have a feeling of community.  It's going to be difficult for them. They're  going to need one another. It's best if they all start at an equal age. That way they will be less likely to have any feelings of superiority. When they are adults, they will fine husbands. Then they will pass on the gene. I shared my immortality Elsbeth. Once the female hatchlings reached maturity, we were going to start having males."

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