Chapter Fourteen: Confessions From The Heart

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Constantine came running into the bedroom, and rushed to her side. He could see the terrified look in her eyes.

"Are you alright?", he asked Elisabeth, "I heard you screaming, what's wrong?" She cried, and threw her arms around him.

"I don't know.", she told him, "I think I'm going crazy. I keep having these weird dreams. They've been happening ever since I arrived here. I was dreaming about us. But it was a combination of you, and the dragon from my recurring dream. In my dreams, you're the dragon. Each night was a continuation of the same story. Except for the one I had earlier, when I woke up next to you, that one was different. But this last dream, it was horrible. I dreamt that a man I've never seen before, was my father. Not only that, he was a king. He was angry that I was with you, a dragon. I was pregnant, he was going to kill me. I was crying, and begging for my unborn child's life. But he didn't care. I could see anger, and hatred in is eyes. He drew a dagger, and drove it into my pregnant belly. I could actually feel the pain of the dagger going into me. My last only thoughts were, 'No! Not my baby", and that's when I woke up screaming."

"You dreamed all of that?", he asked, "You felt the physical, and mental pain?" Constantine was noticeably upset. He had a worried look upon his face.

"I'm sorry Elisabeth, I'm so sorry you had to feel that.", he said, "It was my fault, it's all my fault." She looked at him, quite perplexed.

"How was it your fault?", she asked, "It was just a dream." As he looked at her, tears began streaming down his face.

"There's something I haven't told you.", he replied, "That's how my late wife died. She was nine months pregnant the bastard stabbed her death. I dreamt about it last night. I sometimes talk in my sleep. You probably heard me. I'm guessing that your subconscious, took what I said, and it played out into your own dream. I never forgave myself for leaving her alone that night. She would be alive today, if I hadn't. The one thing I never wanted to think about, was what her last thoughts might have been. My guess is, they were the same as yours. It took her a long time to get pregnant. Her baby's life, would have been more important to her than her own." He then held Elisabeth in a loving embrace. Now they were both crying.

"That must have been horrible.", she said wiping the tears from his eyes. No one should go through that, especially you."

"Elisabeth?", he asked, "Do you remember what I said to you last night?"

"Yes.", she replied with stoic look upon her face.

"Do you love me Elisabeth?", he asked.

"It's not that simple.", she replied, "There are so many factors. I just broke up with my fiancé. You, and I live in two completely different worlds. I doubt if either one of us is willing to give up our ways of living Plus, there's immigration issues. I'm American, you're Irish. It's just all so complicated. I wouldn't know how we could ever begin to start a relationship."

"Elisabeth.", he said, "We already have a relationship. I didn't ask you if it was simple, or what the complications might be. I just asked you a simple question. Do you love me?" She then looked into his deep blue eyes. They could always seem to entrance her.

"Yes.", she relied, "I do love you, but it scares me. I don't want to be hurt again. The complications scare me as well. How can we make this work. I can't stay here, are you willing to enter my world". He just looked at her, and smiled.

"Don't worry my pretty human.", he said, "Love always finds a way." She then gave him a strange look.

"Pretty human?", she asked, "Why did you call me that?" He just laughed.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to make light of this whole emotional situation.", he told her, "You said I was the dragon in your dreams. Didn't you tell me that's what he called you?"

"Oh that's right.", she replied, "I do remember telling you about the dream. I'm sorry, my life has changed so much in the last week. I feel like it's been a whirlwind."

"It's okay.", he replied with a loving smile. "I promise you. You will be home soon. I can't wait to meet your family. We'll find a way to make this work I promise. Now that I have you my dear, I can't let you go. Yes, I live a simple life. But I have ventured into your world. I've even been to America, even Philadelphia. Perhaps we past each other on the street, and didn't know it."

"When were you in Philadelphia?", she asked.

"A few years ago.", he said, "I was just looking for a change of pace. I always heard it was an interesting place to visit. It was definitely a lot bigger than Oakshire." Elisabeth then began to laugh.

"I swear for a second I thought you were going to say eighteen years ago.", she said. He just smiled.

What's so funny about that?", he said with a small chuckle.

"Well, like I said I've had that recurring dream as far back as I can remember.", she said, "One night, when I was about eight years old. I woke up from a dream, but it wasn't about the dragon. However, I swear it was watching me through my bedroom window. I honestly believed I saw it. Well, then I screamed, and I thought I saw it fly away. My parents came running in to see what was wrong. I was crying because,, I thought he had come to take me away. When I told them, they assured me it was the same dream I had always had. But I knew I had seen it. Well then my dad opened the window, and assured me that there wasn't a dragon outside. There was a lunar eclipse that night. So the moon was bright red. I had seen it, and thought it was the dragon's eye. My father also told me that he would scare away any dragon, that came for me ." He just looked at her, and grinned.

"Oh but your father was wrong, my dear.", he replied, "That was me. I turned into a dragon, and flew all across the Atlantic Ocean. Just to see you." She then furrowed her brow, and gave him a silly smirk. With that they burst out laughing.

"It sounds like you have two very loving parents.", he said smiling, "I know Elaga will be pleased to hear that. She's quite fond of you. We all are. So, what happened after your father scared me away?"

"I think I slept with my parents for the rest of my childhood.", she told him, "Which is probably the reason I'm an only child." He just looked at her, and smiled.

"Oh, I almost for got way I came by.", He said, "I have your dress, and crown for the festival tonight." He then stepped outside the room, and came back in came three boxes.

"This is too much!", she exclaimed.

"Nonsense.", he told her, "This is what the queen of the festival wears. Now Elaga, and some of the women of the village, will be by later to help you get ready. Two things. It's going to be difficult, But you can't open these boxes until Elaga, and the rest of them help you get ready. In fact, I'm just going to leave these things with Elaga. I want to make sure your surprised."

"Oh come on you can trust me.", she told him.

"Probably.", he said, "But I'm not going to take that risk. Second, this is probably going to be hard on me. But I'm going to take my leave of you, my lady. I will not see you, again until the festival. I want the next time I see you to be in all of your regal beauty. Until then my queen." He then kissed the back of her hand. She smiled, as he place his hand on the back of her head. He then kissed her on the forehead.

"Until tonight, my King.", she replied playfully. He then smiled at her, bowed his head, and left the room. Elisabeth couldn't help but smile, she had fallen in love.


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