Chapter Seventeen: Saints And Sinners

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As Elisabeth looked out at the crowd, all eyes were upon her.  It made her rather nervous. She was not used to all this attention. Constantine was in complete awe of her. He had never seen anything more beautiful.  He eagerly went to escort her to the festival.

"You look amazing, my dear.", he said with an eager smile, "You're even more beautiful than I ever imagined.  I knew that tiara would look good on you.  I hope you like it."  Elisabeth began to blush.

"You don't look so bad yourself.", she replied smiling, "Where did all of this all come from?"

"The tiara, and the necklace have been in my family for centuries.", he told her, "All of the gowns were made by the town's seamstresses.  Extras were always made just in case. When Elaga went through your belongings, she found your clothing size. We were able to match it."

"Wait.", said Elisabeth, "This has been in your family for centuries?  Are you saying this jewelry is made of real gold, and rubies?"

"That it is.", he said with a smile, "I am humbled to be in your presence my lady."  With that he bowed to her. He then took her hand, and kissed the back of it.  He then offered her his arm, and she gladly took it. Elisabeth couldn't get over how lovely everything looked.   The full moon just made everything seem more romantic.

"I can't get over this enchanting evening.", said Elisabeth, "The weather is perfect, everything is perfect.  I have to admit I feel a little strange about wearing such expensive jewelry."  He just gave he a confused look.

"Why?', he asked, "You deserve the best. Like this evening you're perfect. I promise you, this will be a magical night. We will always remember it my pretty human.  May I have this dance?"  All of a sudden, music began to play.  Constantine offered Elisabeth his hand, and they began to move along with the music. Other couples joined in.  Elisabeth began to have a since of euphoria.  It was almost as if the music itself was intoxicating.  But where was the music coming from there was no band.  Maybe someone had an iPod.

The evening did seem perfect. The weather was neither too warm, nor cold. The candlelight illuminate the entire village. The man she was dancing with, he was the perfect gentleman. Even the full moon was the perfect accent to add to this magical night.  That's when something started to dawn on her.  The night she fell down the hill, there was also a full moon. She had only been there for six days. A full moon wouldn't last that long, and a moon's cycle is a month long. So how could there possibly be a full moon tonight?

The music started to get louder. The louder it got, the more intoxicated she began to feel. What the hell was going on?

"Are you alright, my dear?", asked Constantine.

"Y-yes.", she replied feeling confused, "I'm feeling a little dizzy. Do you mind if we sit down?"

"Of course not my love.", he told her.  He then took her to a small bench, and they sat down. Constantine placed his arm around her.  He then leaned in for a passionate kiss, that she gladly reciprocated. Between the kiss, and the music she felt as though she was falling under a spell.   Constantine smiled at her, and began to stroke the side of her cheek. His touch was gentle, and loving. At the same though, it was a bit seductive.

"You are so beautiful.", he said with loving tears in his eyes, "You have no idea how long I've waited for you. He then leaned in for another kiss. The kiss was so intense, she had forgotten all about the moon.  However, she felt someone pin something to the back of the crown of her hair.  She noticed, but it was like she didn't care. Her eyes were too transfixed on Constantine.  She also had blue eyes, but his were hypnotic. He then walked her down a small straight pathway, that was in the middle of the festival.

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