Chapter Six: Uncontrollable Temptations

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The hot springs were shallow enough or the two of them just to sit, and relax. The warm mineral water felt amazing surrounding Elisabeth's naked flesh. She had almost forgotten that they were both completely naked.

"I thought I'd be a little bit uneasy, about this situation.", she told him, "But this water is just too relaxing to even care."

"I told you it was amazing.", he replied, "Here, I can make it even better." He scooped up the sediments of mud from the from the rocky floor of the pool.

"Close your eyes he told her.", he told her, "I promise that I am not gong to take advantage of this situation. Just trust me." As she closed her eyes, he began rubbing the minerals enriched mud on her back. It felt wonderful against her skin. And she couldn't help but enjoy his touch. It was gentle, without being sexual. But at the same time, it was somewhat erotic.

"Oh my God, that feels amazing.", she said, "You seem to know what your doing."

"These minerals are very nourishing for the skin.", he explained, "Plus the heat help relax your muscles. You have to be careful though. I was once in here for for half a day without realizing it. It just rakes your mind away from everything. Would you mind rubbing some of that on my back. All you have to do is just scoop it up from the bottom."

"Sure.", she replied with a smile. After taking some of the mud, from the bottom, she slowly began to massage his back. As she did, she enjoyed touching his muscular body. But she couldn't help, but think about the dragon tattoo.

"Why a dragon?', she asked.

"There were legends that dragons used to roam these skies at night.", he explained, "Until mankind drove them to extinction. I guess growing up in this area, I always felt a kinship to the legend. I made a foolish bet with a friend. The loser had to have a giant tattoo put on his back. It didn't matter what it was, as long as it was large. I don't even remember what the bet was even about. Anyway, I lost. So, I thought dragon wings best suited me. Why do you ask."

"This is going to sound crazy.", she replied, "All my life, I've had the same recurring dream. I accidentally wind up in a dragon's cave, and he became enamored me. He then tells me he's keeping me forever. It always scares me, but at the same time, it's dangerously erotic."

"Dragons have always been a symbol of sexuality.", he replied, "There have been many legends of of sharp shifting creatures who seduce humans. It is believed both male, and female dragons have always preferred the human intercourse."

"Why?', she asked.

"Supposedly when dragons mate, it was just for reproduction.", he explained. "A dragons body isn't really designed for pleasures of the flesh. Like many other creatures, they only get satisfaction from the procreation act itself. Humans can get, and give pleasure through the act of love making . Very few species can do that. Dragons were not one of them. Plus, dragons have always been attracted to humans, and there are humans who have been attracted to dragons. That's why they were considered dangerous. So mankind started rumors of dragons being evil monsters that eat people, livestock, and destroy villages. I guess they've gotten a bad reputation over the years. But then most believe they were just mythological beings. Not matter what the case, you can't seem to find them."

"That's kinda of sad.", she replied, "So many different species of both plant, and animal have become extinct. Either through man, or even nature itself. Who knows what might have existed?"

"You'd be surprised my dear.", he told her.

"So where does this hot spring from?", she asked.

"It runs out of this hill that we're sitting at the bottom of.", he told her. "Ireland has volcanic hot spot, so a hot springs isn't that unusual. Fortunately this is one that someone can enjoy. There are some around the globe that could boil you alive."

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