Chapter Fifteen: The Ties That Bind

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Since it was a warm summer day, Elisabeth decided to walk around the village. She couldn't help but appreciate the beautiful, and quaint surroundings. There was just something nice about the unspoiled landscape. No cars, pollution, or even politics disturbing the environment. It was almost as if she were on a completely different planet. She just closed her eyes, and took in the warm breeze.  The air itself felt peaceful, and the town had such a quiet tranquility. Yes, she loved the city life, but it's nice just to get away from reality now, and then.

She saw some of the residence setting up for the harvest festival.  Everyone would smile at her, but she felt as though they were avoiding her. Many times when she tried to help, they would tell her that it wasn't necessary. Part of the benefits of being Queen was that she didn't have to do any labor. Elisabeth ran into Bridget, who seemed happy to see her. However, since she wasn't supposed to bother her that night, Bridget also seemed to try and avoid her. But she did shoot Elisabeth a wink. Why did Constantine tell the villagers not to disturb her?

Everything was so lovely, she almost dreaded going home soon. Then there was Constantine. They had professed their love for one another, and he said they could male it work. She just wished she knew how. Maybe he was planning on moving to Philly?  He did say he couldn't wait to meet her parents. Maybe that's why he didn't want the villagers talking to her? Perhaps they would be ferocious with her for taking the town monarch.

As she kept walking, she saw what looked like a priest in a hooded robe walking towards the church. That had to have been Father Francis.   She was hoping to see him, she wanted tho thank him for finding her. He probably saved her life. She then walked up to him, and tried to introduce himself.

"Excuse me.", she said, "Father Francis I presume."  He turned around, and she extended her hand. The hood was so big, is completely engulfed his face.  To her surprise he got down on his knees, and began begging for her forgiveness.

"Please!, I'm sorry!", he cried, "Please forgive me!  I'm so sorry I hurt you!  May God gave mercy on my soul!  I should not have wronged you!"  He wouldn't stop crying, or begging for forgiveness. Elisabeth was more that confused. She kept trying to comfort him, but he wouldn't even try to listen to her.  What the hell was going on?  Elaga most have seen everything, and ran over. 

"Father, please!", said Elaga, "You have to calm down!  You're having a panic attack. This is Elisabeth, the girl you found at the bottom. of the ravine the other day. It's okay, father you just need to relax.

"I'm sorry.", said Elisabeth, "I didn't mean to upset him,I just wanted to thank him for finding me the other day."  She felt horrible.

"It's okay dear.", replied Elaga, "He was once involved with the missions, for the church when he was younger. He and a group of nuns were attacked in a third world country. The good Father was the only survivor. Sometimes he has flashbacks, and gets upset when he sees a woman he's never met before."

"Yes.", said Father Francis, "Please accept my apologies. I'm getting up there in my years.  Also, I'm blind in my right eye.  Our attackers sliced the right side of my face. That's why I hide my face under this hood. I know vanity is not supposed to be part of a priest's life, but I just feel too self conscious about it."

"That's okay.", said Elisabeth, "I didn't mean to upset you.  I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for saving my life."  She looked at him with a kind smile.

"It's okay my dear.", he replied, "I hope that I didn't upset you. It was very nice meeting you Elisabeth.  If you ladies will excuse me, I have to prepare of the Benediction before the feast tonight. I will see the both o you later."

"Thank you Father.", said Elaga. He then nodded, and began to walk towards the church. As he walked away Elisabeth couldn't help get the feeling that he was rather sad, and lonely.  As if he was an outcast, but maybe he felt more comfortable that way. Witnessing what he saw, it would be understandable.

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