Chapter Eleven: What Dreams Are Made Of

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"As I said before, my pretty human, my word is as good as my bond."

"I promised that you may stay here tonight, and I promised that no harm shall come to you.''

"But, I never promised I'd let you go."

"For you my love, are the perfect companion that I've been longing for all these years.  You are my perfect mate.  Any creature that stays by my side can share in my immortality."

"No, stop trying to struggle, don't try to run.  You cannot escape me. For you are in my arms, and I am In you mind."

"I shall never let you go."

"For you see my love, you are mine and mine alone. You my pretty human, are mine forever."

Elisabeth's eyes began to flutter as she was waking from the dream.  It was the same dream she had all of her life. What did it mean?  There was just something about it.  That dream had more of an impact on her that any other. She talked to psychologist, and dream experts. They mostly came to the conclusion that it was about sex, of course they did. She knew it was more than that, but she just didn't know what it was.

As she was waking, she realized her pain had subsided.  She felt warm, safe, and comfortable. The feeling was familiar to her, but she know didn't why.  Constantine must have given her a powerful herbal sedative.  She just couldn't fully wake up from her slumber. Then She began to hear chanting, but it was it her head.  She didn't know how, or what, but it was affecting her body. 

Whatever it was, it sounded like Latin. Elisabeth had taken Latin in school, learning Latin made the college board exams a lot easier. However, by now, she had forgotten most of it. Yet he did recognize one word, ovum.

"Ovum?", she thought, "Egg?"  Surly she wasn't awake, she had to still be dreaming. As her eyes continued to flutter, they slowly began to open.  As the opened, she looked up, and began trembling in fear. There he was, the dragon she had been dreaming about all of her life.

It's tail firmly, but gently wrapped around her naked body.  Even though she was terrified, her body was too relaxed to move. No matter how much she really wanted to, she wasn't going to be able to get away. She still kept hearing voice inside her head. Was it the dragon?

The dragon looked down, and saw her.  He could tell she was frightened.

"Don't be scared, Elisabeth.", he said to her telepathically, "You know who I am.  I've been reaching out to you your entire life. We have dreamed about one another since the day you were born.  I knew if I reached out to you, that you would eventually come to me.  You're mine Elisabeth, and no one is ever going to take you away from me. You're mine forever, my love."  Elisabeth just looked at him, with both surprise, and terror in her eyes.

"Don't please don't!", she cried, "Please let me go!"  Tears began streaming down her cheeks.

"Shh..", he responded, "Don't fear me Elisabeth. I would never harm you. We are meant to be together. If we weren't, you wouldn't have come to me. I love you Elisabeth. I always have, and I always will." His words were not comforting to her. She became more frightened. Why would a dragon love a human?"

"I don't understand.", she replied, "Why would you even be remotely attracted to me? We're not the same species. Surely you would only be attracted to other dragons."

"We've had this discussion many time before, when you've dreamed about us.", he replied, "You already know the answer. Tell me Elisabeth, be honest. Do you find me hideous?"

"No.", she replied, "You are a beautiful creature, but in the same way I think of a work of art as beautiful. I can't see you as a lover." The dragon just sighed.

"You will learn Elisabeth.", he told her, "I have always enjoyed the company of human females. Not only for their beauty, but for their sensual touch." With that he gently began to stroke her naked body. Her body reacted to his soft touch. But, she felt as though she was being violated. He did not have her consent.

"Please stop!", she cried, "I wouldn't accept this behavior for a human man! You're taking advantage of the fact that I can't move!" He ignored her pleas, and kept stroking her body. His touch was delicate, but his scales were cold, and leathery. He couldn't feel anything, but he still let out a pleasurable sigh. He enjoyed watching her body react. Her mind didn't want him touching her, but her body did. She continued to cry.

"Don't cry Elisabeth, please don't cry.", he told her, "I will not harm you. But I will love you, and I will show you that you are mine." With that he picked her up, gently holding her in his his talon. It was if he was holding a Barbie doll. The dragon then breathed in her sent.

"Mmm, you smell divine.", he whispered, "I have to make you mine, Elisabeth. Let me show you how I can love you." She looked at him in fear, and began to tremble. His bright red eyes staring at her. Even though they were reptilian, she could see the lust in his eyes. With that he began licking her naked flesh. His warm wet tongue, lightly exploring her body. She wanted him to stop, but her body had other ideas. Elisabeth began to moan, as his tongue began gently licking her supple breasts. To his delight, he could feel her nipples hardening against his tongue. But he was violating her, why did she have to react this way? He then stopped, but he continued to have a lecherous look in his eyes.

"Mmm, you taste so good my dear.", he said with a lustful snarl, "Now then, let's see how good you really taste." With that, his tongue began to make it's way between her legs. To her horror, she knew where it was going.

"Please don't!", she cried, "Please don't rape...!" Before she could even finish the sentence, he had already thrust into her opening. He had immediately reached her inner core. Now her body truly began to betray her. She had never felt such an aching build up of pleasure. It was almost too intense to handle. She began to moan even louder, as he kept aggressively trusting inside of her.

"Please, I can't take it!", she cried, "It's too much!" But the beast continued his rampage on her body. Her moaning grew louder, and her breathing became heavy. At that moment it felt as though her body was going to explode. Then in one pleasurable orgasmic burst, she let out thunderous scream....

With that she woke up, startled. She looked around, and saw that she was back in the the bed at the guest cottage. But she wasn't alone.

"Are you alright?", asked Constantine while turning on a lamp, "That must have been some dream you had." He looked as though she had woken him from his sleep.

"What?', she said sounding confused, "That was a dream, but it seemed so real. But it had to have been a dream, it couldn't have possibly been real."

"Well, the way you were carrying on, I hope it was about me.", he said smiling.

"What, what are you doing here?",she asked, "What happened to me?"

"You were having severe abdominal pain.", he told her. "I felt your stomach, it was extremely bloated. You had an intestinal blockage of some kind. I gave you an herbal remedy. It relaxes your body so much, that it can help eliminate any sort of intestinal blockage. It relaxes the intestinal tract. Unfortunately extreme drowsiness is a side effect. I had to stay with you, and even help you to the bathroom a couple of times. You were so out of it, you don't remember. The fact that it's a sedative probably would explain the strange dream."

"Oh my God!", she screamed completely mortified, "You helped me as I did that? And you're still here, that didn't scare you away?" He just laughed. I studied to be a healer to help people who are sick. I've seen worse. I understand that all humans, yes even beautiful women, have to do that once in awhile. I stayed with you, because I wanted to make sure you were okay. I care a great deal about you Elisabeth, I've fallen in love with you."


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