Ch 2.March/23/2009

539 21 1

"Hey Valeria, you're early." Linn said as Valeria walked through the doors. Valeria simply smiled.

"Was it busy earlier?" She asked as she checked in.

"Not too bad. Nothing that we couldn't handle." Linn replied shaking her head a little. Something seemed wrong. Her voice sounded concerned.

"Are you ok Linn?" Valeria asked. Linn sighed and took out her phone.

"This was posted on the news an hour ago." She said as she turned her phone towards Valeria and pressed play.

"This just in. The body of a woman named Carly Evans was found last night. This is the sixth victim these past two months. Authorities strongly suggest that no one wanders the streets at night or alone. They are doing all they can to catch the confirmed serial killer. Until then, stay cautious and safe. Goodnight everyone." The reporter said before the video ended. Linn put her phone away.

"I know you have practice later today. I also know that it's not over till nine. It'll be dark by then. Promise me that you won't walk home on your own until the killing stops. You are my friend and I don't want to lose you." Linn said as she held onto Valeria's hands.

"I'll try but I cannot guarantee it. You know as much as I do that I'm not exactly the favorite among the others in ballet." Valeria replied. Linn sighed and let Valeria get to work.

The words of the reporter stuck in Valeria's mind to the point where she forgot what she was doing making her almost spill the coffee.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir." She said with slight embarrassment. The man simply smiled.

"No need to apologize mia cara." He said with an accent that sounded like it was Italian. He looked familiar. His black hair reflected the light. His long bangs covered his right eye. His eyes were a rather beautiful blue. Valeria paused for a moment to gather her words.

"Pardon me for asking, but are you the man that shows up to the ballet recitals?" She asked hesitantly. He smiled.

"Indeed I am. The recitals give me inspiration for new art pieces." The man explained.

"Oh you're an artist?" Valeria asked with a little more excitement than what she intended. The man didn't seem to care.

Yes I am. Are you?" He asked. Valeria laughed slightly with a little embarrassment.

"During my free time. It isn't really good enough to be displayed or sold." She replied. The man scoffed.

"Perhaps I can see one of your pieces?" He said with interest. Valeria blushed a little as she took out her phone and found her favorite in her photo library.

"This is one of the recent ones I have. I took the picture myself. It could be better though." Valeria said. It was a picture with a dark filter of her with her head slightly down. She had a white rose in her hands close to her lips. There was what looked like blood dripping down from the petals. Stefano examined the title: Broken.

"It's a little dark for most people, but they don't look past the picture to find it's meaning and what makes it unique." Valeria said. The man smiled.

"It's very beautiful mia cara. It's very much like my art." He said as he took out a piece of his art and showed it to her. It was the arm of a pale woman. There were vines wrapped around her wrist and a red rose in her hand. Valeria looked at the title: Innocent gift. She smiled.

It's beautiful." She said as she gave it back.

"Hey Valeria! You better check out before you end up late for the recital." Another waitress said from across the room. Valeria checked her watch.

"6:50 already?" She said in shock. She started to walk away but then stopped and looked at the man.

"Can I get you anything else before I leave?" She asked him. The man simply smiled.

"I'm satisfied with the coffee mia cara. But I would like to know your name if you don't mind." He said. Valeria started blushing slightly and smiled a little.

"Valeria Leone." She said somewhat shyly. Stefano stood up away from his chair.

"Stefano Valentini." He replied as he held out his hand. Valeria gently shook his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Valentini." She said. Stefano smiled and raised her hand slightly towards his face.

"The pleasure is mine mia cara." He said before he kissed the back of her hand making her blush even more. He gently let go of her hand and she nodded slightly to say goodbye leaving Stefano smiling as he sat down and continued to drink his coffee.

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