CH. 16June/19/2009

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Inspiration can be hard to find every now and then. It's there one minute and suddenly it's gone. Stefano's inspiration disappeared. He was desperate to find it again. The only place he could think of that would have something to make inspiration come back. He looked at the stores, the restaurants, and the people in the streets but found nothing. It was starting to frustrate him. There was one more place to look at. The church. Hopefully it will inspire him. He eventually reached the church and saw Valeria step out holding a canvas. She looked upset. Stefano decided to follow her and find out what was bothering her. She went behind the church towards a dumpster. Stefano realized what she was doing when she opened it.

"Valeria!" he shouted. Valeria stopped and looked at Stefano. He could see a few tears about to fall.

"What are you doing?" Stefano asked. Valeria looked at her picture.

"I grew up in this church. I wanted to make something representing the sacrifice Jesus made." Valeria explained as she gave it to Stefano. Stefano looked at her painting. It was an arm nailed to a plank of wood. There was a white dove with an olive leaf in its beak perching on the wood looking down at the bloody hand. He looked at the title: Salvation.

"When the pastor saw it, he was disgusted. He said to throw it away and not come back to this church.       To be exiled from this church,     it makes me feel worthless. I feel like my art-" Valeria said as her tears fell before Stefano interrupted her.

"Listen to me. I have told you many times. Your art is beautiful. It always has been. You don't deserve rejection from crude simpletons.   You are a masterpiece, Valeria.          Your art is perfect. Anyone who says otherwise is a philistine." Stefano said as he gave the painting back to her and  placed his hands on the sides of her face. Valeria smiled a little making Stefano smile. She gave him inspiration.

"Go home and put this masterpiece next to the other masterpieces,   where it belongs." Stefano said as he removed his hands. Valeria turned and made her way home while Stefano went back to his studio. He had all the inspiration he needed.

Valeria walked into her art room and looked at the walls. She hung it up and admired it. Stefano was right. Her art is beautiful. It helped keep inspiration in her mind. She wanted to make another piece. She grabbed a canvas and some paint. She was about to start when she heard her front door burst open. Valeria was confused and scared. She stepped out of the art room and quietly closed the door before carefully stepping towards the living room. She saw the intruder and he saw her. It was the last mental patient. Valeria turned and ran. They fired their gun as she ran into her room missing her. She closed her door and barricaded it. The patient hit the door over and over trying to break it down. Valeria felt like her heart was beating 100 miles an hour. It was starting to hurt. She didn't know what to do for a moment but the remembered her phone. She took it out and turned it on. Her phone was almost dead. She could make only one call. She knew that she needed to make it count as she put in the number.  She tried to calm down a little when she heard a voice on the other line.

"The last patient is in my house. He has a gun. I think he wants to kill me." Valeria said as she tried to control her shaking hands and voice. She could hear the voice on the other line for a moment before it grew quiet.

"Hello?" Valeria said before she looked at her screen. Her phone died. She felt the strength in her legs disappear making her sit down against her dresser. The banging on the door stopped and she heard footsteps, but she didn't dare open the door. She was afraid to make another move or sound. She suddenly heard alarms go off throughout the house.

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