CH. 26December/22/2009

223 12 2

*Strong language. Viewer discretion is advised*

"I simply cannot wait for your next performance amore mia." He said making Valeria smile a little. They suddenly heard a girl scream from the alley. Stefano and Valeria grew cautious. Stefano put his coat back on and started to step towards the alley.

"Stefano?" Valeria said nervously as she started to follow him.

"Stay there Valeria." Stefano said as he held his hand up to stop her. He slowly walked deeper into the dark alley looking for the girl that screamed. He couldn't see her anywhere and assumed that it was just a child messing around. He turned around to go back to Valeria. What he saw made him furious and scared. Two of the ballet girls were restraining her from running. He was about to run and help her before two men from the ballet held him back.

"You let her go you little whores!" He yelled at the two girls holding Valeria.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't do that." A voice said before a figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Well actually, I'm not sorry." The person finished with a sinister smile. Stefano felt his blood boil.

"Jack you bastard! I'm going to tear you apart!!" Stefano yelled before Jack punched him in the face.

"Leave him alone Jack!" Valeria shouted before he struck Valeria across her face.

"You son of a bitch!" Stefano yelled as he tried to break away from the men's grasp. Jack turned and looked at him in irritation.

"I'll do worse if you don't shut your Italian ass up." Jack replied before turning his attention back to Valeria.

"I don't give up so easily. Especially when it comes to you Valeria. Take me back, and no one gets hurt." Jack said before he took out his pistol. Valeria felt her heart skip a beat. He was willing to kill her love if she didn't take him back. She didn't want to go back to hiding from an aggressive, cheating, drunk asshole for the rest of her life, but she also didn't want Jack to kill Stefano. It started to become overwhelming. She felt tears fall down her face as she looked at Stefano. He may have been a monster once, but he was kind, caring, and gentle to her. The exact opposite of what Jack was.

"Don't go back to that bastard Valeria. I'd rather die than see you suffer from his cruelty." Stefano said before one of the guys punched him in the gut. Valeria tried to go to him to stop them from hurting Stefano, but she couldn't escape the girl's grip.

"For the last time. Shut up!" Jack said furiously. Valeria felt her fear fade away and turn into overwhelming anger.

"Stop it jack." Valeria said sternly. Jack scoffed from her change in attitude.

"What are you going to do? Scream and try to call for help? Be the beautiful but weak person you are?"Jack said mockingly. Valeria couldn't keep it in.

"You don't know me Jack. None of you assholes do." Valeria said before she stomped her heels into the girl's feet making them let go and yell in pain. She then walked up to Jack and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I'm tired of dealing with your shit." Valeria said before she punched him in the jaw sending him backwards and onto the ground. Stefano then saw his chance and punched the guys's in the gut before striking them in the face. They fell unconscious as they released Stefano from their fading grip. Valeria and Stefano looked at each other in relief knowing that they were ok. Valeria walked towards him to embrace him. But then she felt a sudden sharp pain in her back with a loud bang. She lost the strength in her legs and fell forward into Stefano's arms. Stefano was in shock. He looked at Jack. He shot her. He couldn't believe it. They heard voices of police and citizens coming. Jack and the others got up and ran. Valeria wanted to speak. To tell him that she loved him one last time. Stefano shook his head as he fell onto his knees while holding Valeria close.

"Stay with me Valeria. Don't give up on me. I beg you, don't leave me alone." Stefano begged as he tried to hold back his crying but to no avail. Valeria looked at him longing to comfort him. As they heard the ambulance arrive, Valeria grew scared. She couldn't feel her feet.

It's been what felt like hours as Stefano continued to pace around the room waiting for Valeria to come out from surgery. His feet hurt from standing but he didn't care.

"Sir, do you want to sit down?" The nurse asked with concern. Stefano seemed oblivious to her question. He shook his head as he continued pacing. The doors to the operation room opened and several doctors came out with a bed. Stefano quickly turned towards them, but his eyes were only set on Valeria.

"Is she ok?" Stefano asked as he started to follow them. A doctor turned from the bed and placed his hand on Stefano's shoulder.

"Sir you need to wait a while longer till we get her into her room and situated. Don't worry, she'll be fine." The doctor replied before turning back to the others and going down the hall. The doctor's words gave Stefano no comfort. He felt like he was going to rip his hair out. Valeria wouldn't like that. He sighed in disappointment and returned to pacing.

"Mr. Valentini, we've already talked to Ms. Valeria about her condition. It is important that you know as well." A doctor said as he stepped out of Valeria's room and over to Stefano.

"What do you mean? You all said that she was going to be fine." Stefano said as he fought the urge to hit the doctor.

"The bullet hit her between the thoracic and lumbar sections of her spine. I'm sorry. She's paralyzed from the midsection down. She will never be able to walk again or even sit up without back support." The doctors words felt like a stab to his heart. The woman he loves, he will never see her dance again. Never walk hand in hand through the park. The bullet ruined her beautiful life.

"Would you like to see her now?" The doctor asked. Stefano nodded his head before the doctor opened the door to Valeria's room. Stefano was so close to bursting into tears at the sight of her suffering because of a bunch of jealous whores. Valeria looked at him. She wanted to smile and say that she was fine. She wanted to get off the uncomfortable hospital bed and walk to him and comfort him. Stefano walked over to her side and got on his knees. Valeria's shaking hand reached out for his. Stefano grabbed her hand and held it close to his lips. He wanted to speak but couldn't find words. Valeria took a deep breath.

"Are you going to see me as often as you can?" She asked. Stefano grew confused.

"What?" Was the only word that could leave his lips.

"When I recover, they are going to take me to an assisted living place across town. Will you be able to visit me every now and then?" Valeria said. Stefano couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. He got closer to her and placed his hand on her cheek.

"I am not going to let you languish in that place." Stefano said as he looked deeply into her eyes. Her breath was shaking as she tried not to cry.

"I have no choice. I have no family or friends that have the time to look after me Stefano." She said as she placed her hand on his. Stefano shook his head and put both hands on the sides of her face.

"That is not true. You have me Valeria. I will take care of you no matter what it takes. You are my love. My one and only." Stefano said before Valeria started to let her tears fall. She felt happy knowing that Stefano loved her enough to take care of her. That he wasn't going to leave her behind. She reached out to him but she wasn't close enough. Stefano knew what she wanted and wrapped his arms around her as she did the same.

"I love you Stefano. I love you so much." She said as she silently cried.

"I love you too mia cara Valeria." Stefano said as he closed his eyes and let go of his tears. He wished that he could trade places with her. So she could dance again and he could watch like he always did. He slowly started to cry as he realized that that life is now gone. Forever.

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