Ch. 15June/17/2009

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It was a quiet afternoon at the mall. Valeria, Stela, and Beth were taking a lunch break to rest their feet. It was mostly gossip about the opera house. Beth spent what felt like hours talking about her boyfriend. Stela made several comments saying that if he hurts Beth in any way, she'll make him regret it. Stela was always the tough, protective sister. Valeria simply smiled a little since her mind was barely listening.

"    And that goes for you too Valeria. If Stefano hurts you physically or mentally, if he cheats on you, he will regret it." Stela said bringing Valeria's focus back.

"Speaking of Stefano,     you have been acting a little different today. Did something happen between the 2 of you?" Beth asked. Valeria was quiet while trying to pick her words carefully.

"I was in his studio and saw how he makes his art. He uses real blood.      Animal blood.     I was shocked at first. The smell was getting to me. Stefano and I had a moment where he confessed and asked me to help him stop using animal blood.  I promised that I will help him. It changed our relationship a little. It's a little awkward right now from the whole "real blood" thing, but I hope that it will get better." Valeria explained. Beth and Stela smiled a little.

"I'm sure that it will. His confession, your acceptance, and willingness to help him can only improve Stefano's relationship with you. I find it a little odd, but every artist is-" Beth said before they heard gunshots in the hall. People started screaming. Valeria, Beth, Stela, along with the other people in the café looked to see the shooter in the hall. It was one of the 3 patients. Everyone quickly hid under the bar and the booths. Valeria could see the patient walk into the café. He was blocking the only way out. The patient was walking towards where Stela and Beth were hiding. Valeria had to think of something to draw him away, she needed to think fast. She carefully grabbed a margarita glass and threw it towards a wall near the entrance. The patient fell for it. Valeria then saw the patient in front of her walking towards the entrance.

"Drop the gun!" A voice shouted. Valeria could tell that it was a cop. The patient frantically looked around before grabbing a kid and pointing the gun at its head. The child started crying and trying to escape.

"Let him go!" The cop shouted.

"N-no. You l-lis-sten to me. Gi-give me a ca-car. I- I want ou-out of Krimson. I'll l-let him go w-when I le-leave." The patient shouted back.

"I can't let you do that." The cop replied.

"I-I'll kill th-the kid then." The patient replied before the gun clicked. Valeria was getting nervous. She quietly took out her camera and pointed it towards the patient. If he escapes, people can at least know what he looks like.

"Put the gun down now!" The cop shouted again. The patient shook his head.

"You don't under-s-stand.. No-none of you do!" He shouted back.

"Please let me go. Someone please help me." The kid cried. The patient gritted his teeth as he threw the kid aside and shot the cop. Valeria quickly snapped the picture after the injured cop fired back in the head while another shot the patient in the chest. The patient fell back onto the tile floor. His eyes were lifeless. Everyone was safe and only a few with injuries. Everyone left the mall to go home. Valeria said goodbye to Stela and Beth before she was called over by a couple detectives. She told her story to Detective Oda and Castellanos and answered their questions before walking away to go home. Valeria stopped when she remembered the picture she took. She pulled out her camera and looked through the photos until she found the picture she was looking for. It was     flawless.

"Valeria!" Stefano said as he broke through the tape. Valeria looked at him before running into his arms. She never felt so safe.

"I was so scared." Valeria whispered as she rested her hands on his shoulders.

"It's ok Valeria. It's over now." Stefano said as he continued to embrace and comfort her.

"It looks so beautiful." Valeria finished. Stefano was quiet for a moment. He was confused.

"What?" Stefano said as he gently let go. Valeria then took out her camera.

"I wanted to take a picture of the patient for people to see his appearance. But instead, I got this." Valeria replied as she showed Stefano the picture. Stefano looked at it in shock and fascination. She captured the moment of death for the first time on camera. The blood was like paint strokes on a canvas. The face had the expression of death. The eyes were full of emotion. It was pure beauty in Stefano's eyes.

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