CH. 25December/22/2009

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It was finally the night of the performance. Stefano was full of excitement as he walked to the opera house with Valeria. The two of them have been looking forward the this night.

"How are you feeling mia cara?" He asked as they reached the steps.

"A little nervous, but excited. It's finally here." Valeria said as she looked at Stefano.

"You'll do great. You have worked hard for this. And now, your work will pay off." Stefano assured her as they walked in and started to go their separate ways.

"Oh, Stefano." Valeria said as she walked back to him. She pulled out a slip of paper.

"I got your ticket for you. You have the best seat in the house." She said as she gave him his ticket. He smiled at her before she kissed his cheek and left. The night kept getting better and better.

The music was the perfect volume, Stefano could see the stage and its details perfectly. He was anxious for the performance to start as the auditorium continued to fill with people. Minutes felt like hours. He wanted to see Valeria dance elegantly on the stage. He wanted her to fascinate everyone like she did with him. The lights dimmed and everyone grew silent. It was starting at last. He waited anxiously for Valeria's first appearance as Odette. At last she appeared. Every move she made was soft, as if she was water. She put everyone under her spell. Before they knew it, the ballet was over. There was not one person in the room sitting. It was a complete standing ovation. All the ballerinas came onto the stage in order as the applause continued. They all stepped aside as Valeria stepped forward to the center of the stage. The applause grew louder as Valeria appeared. Just what Stefano wanted. Valeria was given a bouquet of roses as she stood humbly. All the performers then retreated to the backstage and the auditorium started to empty. 

"You were magnificent Valeria." Stefano said as Valeria stepped into the lobby. He kissed her before they embraced each other. Valeria smiled a little.

"I wasn't really expecting so many people. It was incredible." Valeria said as they started to walk outside into the cold winter night. Stefano noticed Valeria start shivering and wrapped part of his coat around her. Valeria stayed close to him. He made her feel safe. 

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