CH. 1March/22/2009

521 23 1

She woke up in a dark room. She couldn't remember anything that happened.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" She whispered. She tried to move her hands before she realized that she was bound to a chair. She tried to break free before she heard footsteps. The first thing she saw was a red leather hand holding a dagger. Her fear took hold of her and she tried even harder to free herself as the figure became visible. He looked familiar.

"You. You walked me home last night. How did I get here?" The woman asked as she looked at him. She couldn't see his face.

"A simple dosage of ketamine works well for catching the right person for my art." The man replied.

"You're him, that killer that leaves victims dismembered in the streets." The woman said as she desperately tried to escape.

"Those are some rather harsh words Ms. Evans. I brought you here for a reason. To make you into something beautiful. You will transform into art." The man said as he walked towards her. He took his dagger and cut into her leg making her scream. He listened to her screams as he continued to slice her other limbs in precise and desired patterns. He left one arm alone and took a few steps back. All of her limbs, except her right arm, were covered in red and dripping crimson blood. He smiled in satisfaction from the progress he made.

"Almost done." The man said. The woman continued to cry uncontrollably.

"Please let me go. I don't want to die." She begged between breaths. The man smiled as he listened to her shaking voice.

"Why life? What does life provide? In life there's hatred." The man said before gritting his teeth as he made a cut on the woman's arm making her scream from the unbearable pain.

"There's disseat." He said before he cut her again. He paused for a moment and looked into the woman's eyes as her eyes overflowed with tears.

"And there's betrayal.    Is that what you want? Do you really want the lies of life? The innocent fall victim to life only to be betrayed by it. Death provides what is promised. It promises freedom. Freedom from the lies of life. I am simply giving you the promise of death, but it comes with a price." The man said as he caressed her cheek in attempt to comfort her. He then stepped back and walked around her.

"Now, where were we? Ah yes, the final touch." He said with satisfaction before he ran his dagger through the side of her neck with one small thrust. The woman's face was in utter shock as death took hold of her and indeed gave her what was promised. An escape to freedom. Freedom from pain.

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