CH. 31May/29/2016

195 11 1

"We are here today, to remember the life of Valeria Valentini. Some of you were close friends. Some were coworkers and some were regular customers. But all of you knew her heart of gold. She was talented in many things and humble       " The pastor said before Stefano started drifting away from the words. He placed all of his attention on Valeria resting peacefully in her coffin. She was wearing her blue Emily Lewis dress, black tights and heels with her emerald necklace. She held a simple white rose in her hands. Stefano thought about what life would be like for the two of them if he took the bullet. He would be paralyzed and in the wheelchair, but she would be able to do all the things she did and he could still watch her. He wished that he was in that coffin and not her.

"Mr. Valentini, would you like to say something?" The pastor asked bringing Stefano back to real life. Stefano sighed as he slowly got up and walked towards the podium. He looked at Valeria before he looked at the few people that were there.

"When we met at the coffee shop, I never thought that I would fall in love with someone like her. I always asked myself, even now, what did I do right to deserve someone perfect as her. Valeria helped me in so many ways. I would name them, but the list is long." Stefano said before some of the people smiled slightly. Stefano started shaking.

"Last week when we were together in the park, I sat next to her on a bench and saw her sitting there quietly with her eyes closed. I knew that she was thinking about something incredible, and it was. She was seeing a world that could be made through imagination. She then asked me if a world like that existed, would I create it with her." Stefano said before he looked at Valeria. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"I told her yes.     Yes I would. " He said before he took a deep shaky breath before he started to step away from the podium.

"She was the only person in this world who truly loved me. My world circled around her. She was the sun who gave me hope in my life.   Even though my world is now dark and shrouded by night, a part of her fire is with me,        and will always be there." Stefano finished before he lost the ability to talk. He walked back to his seat and let the pastor take over. Stefano drifted away from the pastor and into the memories that he shared with Valeria. The storm when they shared their first kiss. He could almost feel her smooth, soft hair. He saw her running away from him waving that ridiculous picture in front of his face. He could hear her beautiful laughter. He remembered the joy he felt when Valeria said that she would marry him. He quickly snapped out of it as the paulbears started to carry her out. A few people followed the car to the cemetery and walked up the hill where Valeria's grave was waiting. They stayed and watched the coffin being lowered into the ground. Most left before they started to cover it with the dirt. Eventually, the only people standing in front of Valeria's headstone and rose bushes were Linn, Stefano, Rachel, Beth, and Stela. It was quiet for hours. The sun eventually started to set and everyone left.        Everyone except Stefano.

"You looked so peaceful. I thought you were asleep for a moment." Stefano said before he lowered his head and scoffed before looking back at her.

"My little speech was crap. How I feel is in my heart. None of it would come out as words. Valeria, you almost spilling that coffee lead to the best years of my life. We were always happy with each other's company. We never fought.       Well, there was that one time. I suggested adopting, but you didn't want to. It went on for a little while, but then we made peace and apologized. We went back to normal after that.     Well, not really.           Normal was when I would come and watch you dance. It was listening to you play. It was us painting together, making some together and some to show each other. It was us hand in hand through thick and thin." Stefano said as he thought about the first day she met him and shared a piece of art with each other. But then he remembered the night of the performance. When her beautiful life was shattered. He could feel Valeria falling into his arms, could see the fear in her face, could hear her begging him to give her the freedom of death. It was overwhelming.

"Why?! Why did it have to be you!?" Stefano yelled in anger and distraught before he fell onto his knees and cried as he covered his face. He placed his hand on the stone but it slid back down. He looked to see some of his tears of blood on the stone.

"I should have been shot.   I should have been the one in that wheelchair! I should be the one buried in the ground!            Not you!" He shouted as he continued to cry.

"I want you back. I miss you Valeria. I want to see you dance. I want to hear you play. I want to experience the taste of your kiss again. I want you to have the life that you deserved." Stefano said between breaths. It was twilight, but he stayed where he was for a moment longer. Until all light in the sky disappeared. Stefano never felt so alone in the world before.

"I don't want to leave you.   There is nothing waiting for me at home. I have my art,    but I don't have you. I would give up every piece,   I would stop doing art all together if I have to if that would be what it would take to bring you back an on your feet. I promise you Valeria, I will come and see you every day. I don't want to leave you now Valeria,     but I must.      Goodnight mia cara. Sweet Valeria." Stefano said as he managed to stop crying and stand up. He walked down the hill and looked at her gravestone one last time before walking back to his lonely home.

The house was quiet. He was expecting Valeria to be there for a split second. He sighed and walked into the gallery. He looked at the corner that had all of Valeria's artwork. He looked around and saw a couple walls that were empty. Waiting for someone to fill them. They were meant not only for him, but Valeria as well. He looked at Valeria's pieces one last time before going straight into their room. He could smell traces of the rose perfume she used to wear. He looked at the picture of them kissing at their wedding. The red sun was in the back and the stars were perfectly visible. Stefano was holding her up onto her feet as they kissed. It's too beautiful and perfect to be taken down, but also too painful to look at. Stefano felt his heart being shattered into millions of pieces as he collapsed on the bed and cried himself to sleep.

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