Ch. 3March/23/2009

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"Alice, you're late, again." The director said as a young woman ran onto the stage.

"Sorry Rachel, traffic jam." Alice replied. Valeria rolled her eyes as she continued to warm up. She knew more than anyone that Alice is obsessed with her boyfriend.

"You start getting warmed up. Everyone else, get into place for the end of act one." Rachel said as the dancers got into place. The music played and everyone started dancing. Valeria stood behind the curtain waiting for her que. She then appears followed by several others across the stage. Suddenly the music stopped.

"Kadie, you didn't get on stage with the others. You need to pay attention. Let's start again." Rachel said before everyone gets back into place. They hear a door open and see a man walk in and sit down. Valeria smiled at him a little. Stefano nodded his head greeting her. The other girls were starting to blush at the man's presence. They started again all the way to the ending. Rachel seemed satisfied.

"That was good. Now let's do all of act one. Valeria, Jack, Hannah, keep it up." Rachel said as she started to get the music back to the beginning. Hannah smiled with pride even though she didn't have a major role. Everyone got into place and Stefano watched each and every move with fascination.

After long hours of exhausting work, practice was finally over. Everyone went into the back to change out of their practice outfits.

"Valeria, you were great." A voice said. Valeria turned to see Stela and her sister Beth. Valeria smiled.

"I was only on for twenty-five minutes." Valeria said humbly.

"But you were always good at it. You really deserved the main role this time." Beth responded.

"Ya. Totally. Would be a shame if the serial killer snatched her up and left her in pieces. Who could possibly replace her? I know I could. You don't even like Jack." Hannah said mockingly. Valeria sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"You live the farthest away. No one here would be able to go with you without going home alone themselves." Another girl said.

"You do have a point Kadie. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not afraid of going alone." Valeria replied as she finished getting dressed and packing her uniform. She walked out followed by Stela and her sister.

"I'm afraid of you going alone Valeria." Stela replied. Valeria smiled.

"Don't be." She replied.

"You're my best friend. It's my job." Stela finished as she placed her hands on Valeria's shoulders. They then hugged.

"See you tomorrow." Valeria said before walking towards the door. Stela looked around and saw the man starting to get out of his seat.

"Excuse me sir, could you escort the girl with black hair in the blue dress back to her home?" Stela asked. Stefano looked over and saw Valeria.

"Ms. Leone, correct?" Stefano said. Stela nodded.

"I would go with her but she lives quite a distance away. And I need to make sure that my sister gets home safely." Stela explained.

"I understand." Stefano said before she nodded her head as a farewell. He looked and saw Valeria starting to walk out. He walked after her into the cool spring night.

"Ms. Leone." He called catching her slightly off guard. She quickly turned around and felt relief when she saw him.

"My apologies mia cara. I didn't mean to scare you." He said as he caught up to her.

"No need Mr. Valentini. Did you need anything?" Valeria said before she stopped under the street light.

"Your friend Stela asked me to walk you home. Apparently you live further away from the others." Stefano said. Valeria sighed.

"She worries about me a lot. Me living alone bothers her. But I would love for you to walk me back to my place." Valeria said with a little smile. They started to walk down the sidewalk. It was quiet at first.

"You dance really well Valeria." Stefano asked. Valeria blushed a little from his compliment.

"Thanks. I appreciate that." Valeria replied.

"How long have been dancing?" Stefano asked.

"I've been doing ballet since I was four. I've been doing art around the same time.        What about you? How long have you done art?" Valeria asked. Stefano paused for a moment trying to remember.

"I mostly painted when I was younger, as I got older, I got more into photography. I was a war photographer a few years back." Stefano replied. Valeria looked at him with curiosity.

"What was it like?" She asked.

"I was scared at first, but I quickly grew accustomed to it. The last day that I was there, I almost died. But it was in that moment when I realized the beauty in destruction. But people don't see it. They don't understand." Stefano said as they reached the front steps of Valeria's house. She took a few steps ahead of him but then stopped. Stefano saw his chance. He quietly took a syringe out and held it behind his back. Valeria sighed quietly as she looked back at him. His chance faded.

"Mr. Valentini, I understand the beauty of destruction. I've seen what it does and what it creates. It's marvelous." Valeria said. Stefano stood in confusion.

"When people see the green forest they think it's beautiful, but when they see the fires that made it, they shun it. They fear what they cannot comprehend, because they refuse to look beyond their own little world. They are such fools for thinking that way." Valeria finished. Stefano was in slight shock. He slowly and carefully put the syringe back.

"It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that feels that way." Stefano said as he smiled slightly.

"It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that sees beauty in chaos." Valeria replied. Stefano started to turn and leave.

"Mr. Valentini?" Valeria said. Stefano smiled and turned back to her.

"Please, call me Stefano." He said. Valeria smiled sheepishly.

"I really love the piece you showed me.      Could you maybe show me more?" Valeria asked a little hesitantly. Stefano felt joy knowing that someone appreciates his art.

"I'll be more than happy to Ms. Leone." Stefano replied. Valeria laughed slightly.

"Call me Valeria." She said as she tried to control the smile on her face. Stefano smiled back at her.

"Goodnight Valeria." He said.

"Goodnight Stefano." Valeria answered back before Stefano walked away down the quiet streets. Inspiration was overflowing in his mind. He needed to let it out. He needed to make some art.

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