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He had felt to ground beneath him begin to shake and crumble minutes vefore it actually caved in.

The other four paladins hadn't. They, only realized that something was wrong when a scream of terror erupted from behind them, where the only person there was a certain cuban boy.

At first, after it stopped, Shiro had said something along the lines of "the monster isn't that scary, Lance. Calm down. "



If it had been the cuban getting scared he would've apologized. A bad habit of his, to apologize for things that weren't his fault.

But Lance hadn't heard that, no, no he hadn't. Because by the time those words left the black paladin's mouth he was already far below the suface of the planet.

Everything from his torso down hurt. It hurt so bad. He tried screaming out, but the only air that his lungs could find was thick with dirt and dust, making him choke.

Warm tears began to make their way into his eyes, and he couldn't move his arms to wipe them. So he cried.



The team would have to defeat the beast without him, and then come save him. If they even planned of saving him at all.

Not to mention his helmet fell off from impact and was smashed by rocks that fell soon after, so the team also had no idea where he was, seeing as a large amount of land collapsed.

He knew that he had been injured rather severly, seeing as he had only been down here, trapped, for at most, 20 dobashes? Minutes? He wasn't sure.



It was sad, that he couldn't even fin it in himself to forgive himself even on his death bed, wasn't it?

He let out a dry sob that mixed with pained laughter.

And he sat.

And waited.

Until the pan had fully subsided to numbness and he lay his head down.

He was so tired.

And english seemed hard to comprehend.

If he tried to speak, it would probably be in Spanish.

He snickered softly as a warm pool of what he guessed to be blood covered his cheek and continued to get larger.

No more tears fell.

It had been at least an hour.

Breathing seemed like a chore.

Had the other paladins forgotten him? Left him behind? Gone to find a replacement blue paladin?


"Lance where are you buddy!?!"


He perked up slightly at the voices. He knew speaking was a horrible idea, but he had to get their attention.

"¡Estoy aquí! Por favor encuéntrame ... Estoy ...... muriendo ..... " it didn't matter that he didn't speak english. He heard footsteps rapidly approaching. He laughed in triumph, before laying back down, finding it in himself to let go of a few more tears and allow them to fall, and mix with his dark crimson blood.

He went silent, waiting to be found.

"Lance! Oh my god... "




Lance smiled. Still stuck beneath the rocks. He would die. And thats okay. No more seventh wheel to mess everything up, right?

He felt somebody life his limp head, and set it in their lap.

A stream of blood strung out from his mouth, and his nose bled.

He looked up at whom held him.

That person began to cry.

He felt cold tears splatter across his face as they did.

He smiled warmingly at them.

"está bien ... todo estará bien ... no ... llorar ..."

His own voice sounded to low. To soft.

He knew who held him.

It was keith.


"Yeah buddy?"

He stopped, to translate the words he was looking for. "I, love you.."

"I love you to loverboy.."
Keith held him close. Combing through his hair.

The rest of the team were panicking, knowing they cpuldn't save Lance but still trying to free him from the rocks that imprisoned him.

Lance laughed gently. "It,, doesn't hurt anymore,, keith.." translating wasn't so hard..


"Thats bad,, isn't it?"

"No, no thats good. " try as he may the voice that escaped his mouth wavered and shook.

Lance smiled at him. "I should've,, told you, earlier.."

His words sounded laboured, his breathing shallow.

This was the end of the blue paladin.

It was, Lance died there. The team, through their sorrow, the still had a little hope that Lance had only gone unconscious, despite him being, rather obviously dead.

The got the rocks off him.

He had a rock through his stomach. The only reason he had lived as long as he did was because while it had caused a lot of blood loss, it had also acted as a plug and kept a few rocks from falling and cutting through his skin.

While the mission was a success, the sight of Keith walking behind everyone else, holding Lance, expressionless as the boy he loved and only found he had been loved back by, dead in his arms, was a terrible sight. And killed whom ever's hear that looked.

The end of the blue paladin.

Thats what everyone called it.

The team knew that Blue would greive, along with the other lions, and she possibly may not allow anyone near her.

It hurt.

For all of them.

And for the record, that planet had one of the strongest connections to the Voltron alliance after that, but the team never visited there again.

The body that once belonged to Lance was frozen, until they returned to earth, were he was buried, in Cuba, on a hill filled with red, blue, green, and yellow flowers near the ocean.

Keith, visited him often.

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