I hear...

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  Walking through empty hallways while rain shatters on the roof above you is not as satisfying or fulfilling as it may sound. In fact, its quite terrifying.

  But as the legs that where created below the torso moved,the rest of the body was forced to as well. Where the hell where the legs even going?

  Hell if I know.

  So, my legs just kept carrying me down a- seemingly endless- hallway. All while the rain kept shattering against the roof. There was a lot of it, probably enough to fill somebodies' need for the liquid. Water, I mean. Not exactly rain. Well, that to.

An unstoppable sigh escaped my mouth as my spine moved in just a certain way, that the head utop it made the face that was planted on it face the ceiling. Above that ceiling rain shattered. What would happen if it broke?

I would certainly get crushed.

But maybe, just for a moment I'd see outside, see where I was. As my seemingly endkess hallway had no windows. And very little tasteful decor. It was all just, ugly.

Even for somebody who enjoys this type of thing, and a minimalist aesthetic! It was all just, so, ugly!

Next time I blinked my eyes peeled open to see an entirly different setting placed before me. White walls, window that were sadly, fogged up, white tables with plants on them. Minimalistic, really.

I like it.

I turn around, while still walking forwards mind you, and see that the old hallway was gone. Replaced with this one. As far as my eyes could see.

Well then. This seems like a dream.

Bet you're thinking it is, huh? Just a dream? Well its sorta is. I applaud you, voice in my head that's reading this.

My legs ache. My head spins, my left arm feels like it has a hole in it- oh. It does.

When did that happen?

When was I not walking? Why am I being carried?

Where is my right leg? Dios, where is my leg?

All at once the pain hits and my eyes are forced closed as a cry of pure agony bursts free of my vocal cords and soon after, my mouth. I am well aware of the tears streaming down my face. Yup, very well aware.

Everything hurts. When did this happen?

Something cold touches my mind, it calms me, but for very little time.

My right hand reaches to my left arm, only to be slapped away by something I can't see.

I can't see? What?

I blink, I can feel that, but sight only comes to my right eye. What happened to the left?

Again, the right hand reaches for it, and, is again, slapped away. I can hear now.

'No! Stop it!'

Stop what? A mere investigation? There will be no harm done to you, this is my body.

I go to speak, onky to realise my mouth is significantly, more, empty. I think the teeth are still there.

Hm. This is, unexpected. Where did my hallway go? The one I spent so long in?

Where is my rain?

Where is my rain?

Gone, but was it never there? Good god I'm confused, and I can't even say it!

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