Rotting, melting, falling apart.

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The manifestation of the four different creatures dragged itself along the ground.

While it is technically made up of all four, only one remains working. Alive.

It let out a piercing, broken laugh as it slumped against a wall. Waiting, waiting for that stupid door to open.

It had to get in. It needed to get in.

There were no more pain sensors, but that didn't stop the phantom verson of them from haunting the final living systems memory.

I-it just giggled.....

Wires lose and poking out from where they were meant to be hidden, and concealed were subject to the elements now. And had slowly rotted and fallen away into the mess it was now.

It's mask began to slip, as it often did now without a proper face to hold onto.

The manifestation only moved a single wire to fix it.

It then spoke to itself.

"B-b-bon bo-on! We mad-d-d-de it-t!"

It received no reply from other system. The last one it got was two hundred fourty-eight days seventeen hours and fourty-four minutes ago.

"Fox-xy do you see-e anythin-ing?"

Nothing. Again. The last response from that system was one hundred fifty seven days, three hours, and two minutes ago.

"Ball-l-lora-a! Can you hear-ear the human-ans?"

Eighty-seven days, twelve hours, fifty six minutes. The last reply was then.

They were still there though! It knew it! It- he wasn't alone. Of course not. They were all here.

"One big-g happy family-ly."

They were all here. They were all happy. They were all- they were all alive..

It curled a few wires around itself in a vain attempt at comfort.

There were a lot of wires and cords. But many of them, were no use to him anymore. No matter if it was due to a cord snapped, or if water got where is wasn't, really wasn't supposed to be, he didn't have control over them. Neaning they usually just, dragged uselessly. But sometimes they moved without his wanting it to.

That gave him hope.

Hope that the other four systems had some type of something left within him.

If anyone else where to take a look at him they could say for sure that the other systems where gone.

He should be too.

But he made a promise to them, to finish something, and he isn't going out until he does.

It's the least he could do.

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