October 18th

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October 14th. Disgusting, gross, brown hair fell onto their shoulder, no longer attached to their scalp. The brunette sighed and set their head in their arms. Sitting at their old wooden desk, a buffering symbol on the video they were watching instead of the video itself. Setting down the razor, and glancing in the mirror, they were somewhat pleased with their reflection. Then, with a tired groan they checked their phone, and with a sharp gasp they jolted from their seat, threw on a black tank top and a flannel.

"Of course its time to leave- god- fuck-!"

Feet not understanding what their brain was screaming, they fell down the remained of the stairs.

The teen readjusted themselves, and let out a whimper as they spotted the bus speeding away, towards the school.

"Don't want to be a superhero.. just let me survive, damn.."

They set off out of the house with a slight whine, and began the walk to highschool.

Music blasting in their pointed ears didn't stop their eyes from catching the stares and glares fixated on them.

A normal routine, now. Everybody stared at them, if they saw them at all.

Attempting not to trip, their legs actually managed to get them into the hellhole school they attended, through the auditorium, and into a seat. They sat and waited for the bell to ring to they could put away their weighted backpack.

Scrolling through their somewhat dated phone, music still blasting, they looked at the time, and glanced around the room. Pausing the scrolling. The bell rung loudly through the school, and they retrieved the red backpack from the seat next to them, and strode out of the auditorium without much purpose.

With ten minutes to put their shit away and get to class, they set straight to it. Opening the locker, putting in the worn red sack, grabbing their laptop, books, pencils, and paper, they checked the board that read what gym was that day, and ran to class. Making it a point to avoid any and all eye contact as they got to their English class.

First period sucked. It always did. With a teacher that despised them (like basically everybody here) their papers where almost always graded wrong on 'accident' or not graded at due to being 'misplaced'. Always fun.

But, after that came social studies, one of their personal favorite classes. A smile grew onto their face as they entered the room, but was quickly stolen away at the sight of a substitute teacher instead of the normal one. They sighed, but held hope for a good class.

Instantly stolen away as well, actually.

"Good morning, class. I'm your substitute, and don't think you can pull a fast one on me, I've been teaching for over fourty years. "

Everybody in the room let out a collective groan.

Health was fine. Better than gym.

Then to study hall. They sat in the corner and drew the whole time.

Then to lunch.


They grabbed their lunchtray, and sat at a table in the far corner, and readjusted their headphones. Catching a glimpse of a figure, they glanced up.


A smile blossomed onto their featured, eyes brightening, and whole demeanour changing into one of a happy teen.

That is, until she walked away without so much as a glance to her best friend.

Oh yeah, this has been going on for a month.

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