A Dangerous Reflection

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Green. It was their colour. The colour most fitting. Something that contradicts itself, but that was fine. It fit them, well. They loved green.

For once in their life, it seemed like everything was okay. It was clear there was still issues, as the highest level of dopamine they'd felt in a month was barely enough to get a content sigh out of them, but right now, that was okay.

They were okay.

They felt as if they could do what they wanted. They felt fine. Content.

The ache to feel pain, to hurt, to run, wasn't there right now. They felt, safe oddly enough.

It was welcomed, really they hadn't realised how used they were to the hatred, pain, and the ache.

They, they were okay.

Smiling at the ceiling, where a glass terrium hung, they felt fine. Even without dopamine. They were fine.

That night, their insomnia left them alone. For the first time, they slept. And while they couldn't see anything in their mind, they could feel, and hear.

That's what their dreams had been reduced to. Feelings, and sounds. No moving pictures, anymore.

Sometimes, it was like reading a book. Those were the best.

During this night, they felt content. And the only thing they could describe it as, was green.

And god did they love green.

Waking up wasn't too hard. Easier than normal, but by far the most horrible part of the day.

Well, now that their brain had begun to quiet down. No more screaming thoughts and cries into a vast, cold, void that was their mind. No, the darkness felt welcoming today. Kind, like a friend. Though there was something lying beneath it that they couldn't place. For now, though, they wouldn't question it.

Just relish in the contentness. Its the best they'd had in to long.

Getting ready for school was never a slow process for them. They wore simple outfits. Pants, t-shirt or tank top, and a hoodie or flannel. Socks and under garments to.

Then to the bathroom and hygiene ordeal.

Opening the door, they walked over to the drawers that held their personal items. No bracelets today, they had yet to fix their favorite one.

So, with a sigh they grabbed their hairbrush and turned to the mirror to fix their part.

As soon as their eyes locked with their mirrored self, they fell backwards, seeing nothing but a void once more.

That underlying feeling... pity. Pity and guilt.

It took a long while for them to,, per say,, come to,,

They felt heavy, but weightless. Retsrained, but free.

One thing that was for certain, is how hollow, empty, and unnaturally peaceful they felt.

They felt out of place, but couldn't recall how it felt to be any other way.

Their body was not their own, no not right now. They had been puched out of the driver's seat into the passengers and their seat belt that held them there wasn't going to budge.

They did not feel panic though. They did not feel anything at all.

They looked through their eyes. It felt wrong, it all felt, so, 2d, and flat..

Every colour looked muted, and lifeless. They were not in control though, but it seems like whoever was didn't quite know how to be so.

No muscle followed their command, as they suspected, they were but a guest in their own body. Whoever was the hpst of this, finally moved to stand. Every movement more 2d, flat, and without emotion then the last.

Two beings in the same body.

One a passenger, a guest, luggage.

Another unknown, but the other felt as if this one had a gun to their head and had taken the wheel.

No emotions made their way into mind.

The being in control looked into the mirror, and allowed room for the other being to take the wheel, simply fading into the reflection.

It was an odd feeling.

As soon as they had an oumce of control back, every missing emption hit them at once.

Tears poured from green eyes, and they choked.

It took a gew minutes to calm down.

Once they did, their green eyes trailed back up to the mirror. Being met with grey eyes, with no pupil. With oily looking streams pouring from them.

The reflection was the exact same as them, looks wise, with a few differences.

The black oily stream poured from both corners of the mouth, both eyes, and one nostril.

That wad the only difference, other than how lifeless the reflection looked. No enotion, period.

They spoke to it, feeling silly. "Who, are you?"

"I am yourself. "

"Tacky, but why? Am I hallucinating?"

"No. But if you are you may just be doing so much more often. "

"..what do I do in this situation? Who are you? What do you want? Why did you take my body, than give it back to me with no change whatsoever!?" Their speaking became fast, words slurring and jumbling together.

"I, am everything you don't want to be. A warning of one of many possible outcomes for you. "

"Your personality, but flipped. Every hope and dream crushed. I am what you dread. And my only purpose, is to remind you of it. "

"I, am your worst time. The darkest point. No emotion, no motivation, no nothing. Everything gone anf lost. Nothing left. To far gone to be suicidal, not far enough to be insane. "

"Broken, without the correct parts needed to be fixed. I am your blank, your dark, your anti. But I'm only real to you, but I assure you that i am real. "

"I know what happens next I will be here at you highest anf your lowest i am the part of you shoved so deep down, I'm at the top. "

"I am grey. You, are green. I'm here as a warning, something of a cruel punishment and reminder, to you, Green. "

Nothing that it said held emotion. Complete robotic monotone. Nothing. Stone dead serious.



"Are you going to kill me?"

".....no, but you will. "

They decided to name, it, Reflection. Or Grey, as a nickname.

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