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Next day saw Arthit zoning out throughout the day. Mechanically he was doing his work. And whenever he spotted Namtarn, he would duck out of her sight.

And Namtarn, it was as if she was resolutely not looking  anywhere, as if  to avoid seeing him.

Was it true? Or was it just his imagination? Whatever the case, he would support her decision and stay out of her sight.

And that  doesn't mean he can't look from afar? Does it?

He knew that nothing was possible  between them. And the most he expected was a friendship between then. Maybe he got greedy and that's why he was being punished.

And who was he kidding? He should be and have been happy as her friend. Come on, who even become friends with a janitor, right?

He sighed umpteenth time. Heartbreak is a serious thing.


Arthit watched the pitter patter of rain as he stood by the back door.

It was as if the climate was showcasing his feelings.

No need to delay. He just stepped out in the rain. Maybe he needed it, to wash out these sad feelings.

Slowly he made his way to the bus stop and was totally drenched when he reached there. And to aggravate his situation, the bus stop was filled with people taking shelter from rain.

Fine!! Arthit huffed, and sat down on the side of footpath itself.

Not caring that he was dripping wet now, or how foolish he looked.

He stubbornly waited for the bus.

And it looked like even the bus was waiting for rain to stop.

20 minutes passed by, with not a single arrival.

Arthit started feeling cold and sneezed.

And he realised, he's gonna be sick later.

Right. Just what he needed.

He wished the bus to arrive sooner.

Suddenly, the rain drops stopped hitting him.

Huh? Did the rain stop?

He looked up to see a tall man standing in front of him with an umbrella before he passed out.


Phana was just out of his shift. And he had to stay back all night previously too. So he was damn tired. Ready to flop on his bed.

But a strange desire to see someone crept up inside him. Even though he wanted to reach his home sooner, but he wanted to see someone's face too.

So he passed by the mall, then his bus stop.

And felt very concerned when he saw a huddled figure in the rain, which he immediately recognised as Arthit.

He quickly parked his car and went to that man. The said man bleakly looked at him and passed out. Phana just had time to throw his umbrella and catch the falling man.


Arthit when opened his eyes, it was dark. And his head was spinning and he felt nauseous. His body was in pain and he was feeling very cold.

He promptly closed his eyes back, when he felt warm again.

Currently unable to process his current where being.

A very comforting smell hit his nose and he wiggled into a comfortable position to savour the toasty heat.


Hey guys, I have not forgotten this fic. It's just that the mind is a wandering thing and picks up anything that catches its fancy.

But rest assured, I will concentrate here and complete this.

If any of you still remember about it.😋

Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now